Dear Mandi,
I have come again to the conclusion that you do not remember a thing from the night Mulrenin died. I have been saying for years that anyone who listens to a thing you say, or assumes you know anything about what happened, will forever be confused. But you were so adamant, you tricked me into thinking you might remember some things. I think this is one of the reasons your lawyers did not show you much evidence. They wanted to try to get out of you anything you really knew, before providing you with a story.
Your arguments proved to me that you really believed there was only one cable tie, and it was an ordinary small size. It seems like your trial is the first time you saw or heard of any cable tie. Bark said at trial that it was small like what was on the railing, and that is how you pictured it.
Prior to your trial, you knew there was duct tape. But once you found out what the duct tape looked like, you started denying that was the duct tape. You started claiming the police must have planted that piece. This leads me to conclude you do not even remember the duct tape, but you only found out about it from newspapers or gossip.
The trick is your tone when you called me in 2018, and I told you Kaylee had sworn you confessed. You asked me "What did she say?" Your tone was not at all one of worry that Kaylee had falsely accused you. It was more a tone of eager curiosity. Then when you heard the things Kaylee invented that you didn't say, like that Scott drove you to Dollhouse, you said "no" in a little more serious tone. And more recently, one of your only disappointments is that Kaylee invented that Scott hid in the back of your car.
Then when I visited you in Homestead, it came up that your lawyer had gotten Scott to swear a deposition. You asked me in a tone of gleeful curosity, "What did Scott say?" It was almost exactly the same words and tone as when you asked what Kaylee said. Like you were excited about getting everyone to recite your story. Only your tone about Scott was slightly sadistic. Like you had forced Scott into a hard spot and you were enjoying getting revenge. But whether you believe any of it is true, I am not sure.
I know you know you made up every part of the stories you told me. But there may be some portion of what you made up, that you think you figured out and is true.
The fake story of Scott demanding Mulrenin tell him where the money is, and then shooting Mulrenin from in front while sitting in the recliner, is the story you told Kaylee. And it is the story you kept trying to tell me, except I usually broke up the flow at the shot-from-in-front part. I told you the medical examiner drew the gunshot in the back at a time when she would not be likely to lie. You also told Kaylee Mulrenin was tied up in duct tape. But when you found out the actual duct tape did not fit your story, you said that was planted also.
And a dozen other things, none of them fit your story. This leads me to believe your lawyers only gave you some evidence, to try to understand the things they were curious about. So you had the picture with the blood in front of the recliner, and you said Mulrenin was shot from in front sitting in the recliner. And there were clamshell tongs on the kitchen floor. So you told Kaylee that Scott was ransacking the kitchen, which never happened. If you knew anything about what actually happened, you would be able to come up with better lies.
Here is what I believe happened.
You were hanging out with Mulrenin from time to time for money, giving Scott the excuse that you were visiting your mom at work. Scott started missing work to keep track of you, and your mom decided Scott was not the one. Your mom maybe even encouraged you to see Mulrenin so you would not ask her for money, and your mom maybe somehow tipped off Scott that you were seeing Mulrenin, in hopes Scott would dump you.
They took Scott off the schedule at work because he was following you all day. So you were short on December rent. You believed you overpaid a previous month, and you did not really owe as much as your roommates claimed. But Scott did not take your side and stand up against his friend. You thought that was lame. You went over to Chris Dahl's house who actually owns a house and is a landlord and a mechanic, in hopes to do something better for money.
When some big customers came into the strip club, you went and looked for your friend Mulrenin, who could get you in to work and start late. You borrowed a green thong from Neisha Cintron because you were on your period. You got paid some dancer dollars, maybe $160 or so. Other than that, Mulrenin made you sit with him all night. At the end of the night you went to the bathroom to put in a new tampon. But Neisha followed you in there because you liked each other, and you did not get a chance to put it in.
You sat with Mulrenin for hours after closing, in hopes to get cash for your dancer dollars after all the other girls left. You were flat broke and needed the money. But Mulrenin had something else in mind. He told you to pick up some weed or cocaine (because he was there the day you met Chris Dahl and went home with him and did cocaine), and bring it by his house. You stopped by Chris Dahl's house, to check in with Scott and get the weed. You brought in your duffel bag and quick changed your clothes and put in a tampon.
You still crushed on Chris, and you were annoyed that he did not pay enough attention to you (and was actually now friends with Scott not you). You actually intended to make Scott and Chris jealous, and show off that you could make money, by telling them where you were going. You left your duffel there with Scott, and drove to Mulrenin's house. Mulrenin met you at the curb with a sour fruity drink he knows you like. He persuaded you to come upstairs.
You smoked weed in the kitchen, causing the smoke alarm to go off. You took down the smoke alarm and took out the battery, and opened the sliding glass door.
After an hour, Scott wondered where you were and decided to come find you. Scott did not have a phone, you had the phone. I don't know if your phone battery was dead, or if Scott did not even try to call you at Mulrenin's house. Scott could have easily found out Mulrenin's address from many people, though he claims he found you using the find-my-phone app. I imagine Chris Dahl drove Scott to Mulrenin's house, though Scott has now sworn twice that he rode a motorcycle.
Scott looked around and found your car in the fifth-floor garage. (Police faked the video times to make it look like Scott arrived with you. But they got the labels in the video wrong and ended up having to delete them, so that manager Michelle Ervin thought you were parked on the fourth floor opposite corner.) Scott went back outside, maybe because Chris Dahl was waiting out there.
You had sex with Mulrenin, and went to the garage to get a tampon and have a cigarette. You put on Scott's blazer that was left in your car, because you like dressing like the guy you are with, and it was cold after airing out the weed smoke. You went back to Mulrenin's apartment, and went out on the balcony to smoke.
Mulrenin knew you were long overdue with Scott waiting and wanting to leave, but he was trying to get you to sleep on the sofa and become his little drug slave. So he cut some codeine into the cocaine while you were on the balcony, and gave it to you. You started feeling nauseous and sick and thought your drink was drugged. You passed out and from this time your memory is not clear.
Scott was out in the field and saw you on the balcony. Scott immediately walked back around the building, walked in behind a dog walker who swiped open the service door, and took the elevator up around 6:28 AM.
Scott knocked on the door incessantly. Mulrenin finally stashed the cocaine in the cabinet, opened the door, and started a confrontation. Scott forced his way in, broke Mulrenin's phone, and came to grab you off the sofa. Scott shot Mulrenin in the back of the leg standing near the recliner. This is around the time you woke up. Scott grabbed you, and some kind of event happened where you dropped your cigarettes and could not stand. (There is a triangular lid on the floor possibly from the bottle the codeine was in, and a matching triangular tear in the couch like maybe Scott was fighting over the pills Mulrenin drugged you with.)
I no longer think your memory becomes clear even around the time Mulrenin is seated in the recliner bleeding heavily. You tried to stop the bleeding with duct tape, but you may not remember that. Or you may simply have lied about it later for reasons I will get to. But you seem to not remember. The duct tape was already in Mulrenin's apartment. The duct tape did not stop the bleeding, and went slack when Mulrenin stood up, because your leg is wider when you are sitting like the biceps on your arm when your arm is bent. Scott got some scissors or the cheese knork out of the kitchen drawer, and cut the tape.
At this point, someone tried to make a tourniquet using large cable ties Mulrenin brought home from Dollhouse, where they are used on the lighting or on the drink hoses under the bar. I don't know what you were doing at this time. But you really seem to not be familiar with the cable ties. You sincerely believe it was one ordinary small cable tie, and you seem to have seen it the first time at your trial.
Scott maybe went back into the kitchen, and was looking for something. Maybe a rag or oven mitt to put under the cable tie compressing the wound. Mulrenin went out to the balcony. A good friend who grew up with Mulrenin said Mulrenin would be likely to climb down to his friend who lived below. Like maybe Mulrenin had done this before. In any case, the guy who lives below lied to police and lied at trial that it was the previous tenant not Mulrenin who had all-night drug parties. So Mulrenin would have trusted that guy to lie to cover for him.
Mulrenin would not want to go through the halls bleeding, and attract attention to himself. Mulrenin had previous rape accusations, an apartment full of drugs, a previous violation of probation, and was involved in money laundering that night. So Mulrenin would not want any police. So maybe Mulrenin wanted to climb down, on the theory his trusted friend below could help him drive to the hospital better than you and Scott. Maybe Mulrenin was just blind from doing cocaine with a recent bacterial eye infection, and fell over.
On the way to the balcony was a loop of duct tape the circumference of Mulrenin's thigh. It had blood spots that match Mulrenin's entrance and exit wounds. The loop was cut. There were also three cable ties, two open, one closed and approximately the circumference of Mulrenin's thigh, definitely not smaller (definitely not small enough to bind hands or feet). And there were probably three surgical gloves, though police hid these gloves to fit their "shot while fleeing" narrative. A man who is shot while fleeing off a balcony does not have time to bleed on gloves before he goes over.
One of the gloves was torn, at which point someone probably put on another which is why there were three. Two gloves were missing the thumb tips, as if someone with large hands tried impatiently to pull them off and simply tore the thumbs off, because such gloves must be peeled off inside out. Because you have such skinny hands (and no nails at that time), you could probably pull gloves off without tearing. Mulrenin had hand sanitizer all over his apartment and antibiotics, I believe he was wearing those gloves.
Whatever the reason Mulrenin went over, Scott saw Mulrenin going over the railing. Scott ran to stop Mulrenin, but Mulrenin went over and you ran out of the apartment. Scott stayed behind and pulled up the rug. Scott may have turned over the recliner to try to find the bullet and cut it out with the cheese knork. Scott pulled the recliner forward over the blood puddle. Scott left the three gloves and the cable ties. Scott probably grabbed Mulrenin's wallet on the way out, and maybe also your phone, off the counter where the paper towels were. Scott previously located your car, but did not go into the garage to look for a ride from you.
Scott took the credit cards to Walmart, because he was angry that you did not get the money you said you went to Mulrenin's house to get, and because stealing from Walmart is Scott's thing. Scott also wanted to buy a new phone, to distance himself from the phone that called Mulrenin. When you saw how easy it was, you bought some things also. Scott made you promise you would not tell anyone what he did. Scott took you to the pawn shop, and bought a wedding ring based on the common belief that you cannot testify against him if you are married.
You got arrested, not knowing that police staged the gun in your drawer, staged credit cards in your car, faked the video times to make it look like Scott arrived with you, faked the bullet hole, and got witnesses to lie that Mulrenin was shot while fleeing over the balcony. Police took some DNA swabs from the three gloves from Mulrenin's apartment which they hid. There was a bundle of five gloves and booties in a little package in your car or house, supposedly having something to do with Scott's work. Police lied that they got the DNA swabs from those five gloves, to make it look like you wore gloves also and Scott wore booties, which he did not.
Then a woman came up to you in the jail, Julie Madara. She said she knew Chris Dahl from her neighborhood. She said Chris Dahl set up the robbery, and Mulrenin was drugged with GHB and got thrown off the balcony.
Julie Madara did not actually know anything. Her story about a drug dealer in her neighborhood sending druggy girls to rob people was the same story she told at her own burglary sentence hearing in 2015. The bit about Mulrenin being drugged and thrown off the balcony was gossip going around Conway at that time. She heard the girl in the news lived with Chris Dahl the previous year, because she was friends with Dahl's ex wife.
The story Mulrenin was thrown off started at Dollhouse on the night of December 14th. Police said "your boss was murdered last night, he went over the balcony and died." So the Dollhouse people thought he was thrown over. They read about your fake GHB arrest, and assumed you drugged him and threw him over. Then Julie Madara heard on the news "there was a struggle at which Scott Michael Love and Mandi Jackson were present". So Madara told you - but then swore you told her - that Mulrenin went over in a struggle.
But Julie Madara saying Mulrenin was on GHB was believable to you, because it partially explained things you experienced which made no sense. It explained why you felt drugged and why Mulrenin jumped over the balcony. You believed you were drugged while drinking vodka, and you heard that GHB is something people put in drinks. And you also didn't know what GHB was and that it was not the same as G. You believed G made people stronger and more rowdy. So for that reason, you mistakenly believed Madara actually knew something.
So then you called your mom. You said Mom, OMG, the reason Mulrenin went over the balcony is because he was on G! And that is why I felt funny also! He drugged me! But Mom, I am worried, because they said I threw Mulrenin off the balcony. That's not true, please tell me there were some witnesses there who know that is not true. And also, I don't think Scott was involved in any plot to rob Mulrenin, he should not have to admit to something he didn't do.
At that time I was much angrier at Scott than I am today, probably for taking you to steal at Walmart which is something he does not you (though you have used my gift cards). I sent you multiple letters in jail saying that you should testify against Scott. I told you Scott lied in his police interview that it was you at Walmart but not him, and Scott told police you would know Mulrenin but he would not. At some point Carrie showed you this video of Scott telling police it was you, and you felt betrayed and angry. I even told you Scott's brother was in prison for pawning stolen items, at the time Scott took you to the pawn shop to stop you from testifying against him.
Old guys drugging you and trying to have sex with you was a familiar world to you, a paradise interrupted.
You began to get angry at Scott for doing this to you, and not taking the blame like he said he would. And you also were angry at Chris Dahl, whom Julie Madara said was involved, and who you believed drove Scott there.
You were sad from the moment it happened that Mulrenin was dead. But over time your affection for Mulrenin grew, to where you perceive yourself as being much closer to Mulrenin today than to that evil Scott and Chris who killed him. Mulrenin thought you were great. Chris Dahl did not pay attention to you after you gave him everything, and then he killed your boyfriend. Then Chris went and hid, and left you to take the blame for what he did. So you wanted revenge.
(You even eventually found out that Julie Madara's lawyer who supervised her testimony to give you life in prison, was also Chris Dahl's attorney at the same time.)
The girls in jail said we are all innocent. The only way to get out of someone lying about you, is to tell the prosecutors a lie about someone else like Julie Madara and Maletta Young did to you. So say Scott did the robbery. So you told your lawyers you were willing to testify. And they gave you a chance to tell a story, so they could avoid having to go to trial and expose their lying cop friends, and instead spend the money on cars.
So you tried and tried to make sense of the evidence, of the pictures you had in your cell, to see if there was some way it made sense as a robbery. But your lawyers never told you the glove and video evidence was faked. They argued with you about when Scott got there, and where Mulrenin was shot. This is when you came up with your story about Mulrenin sitting in the recliner and Scott saying tell me where the money is, and then he shot Mulrenin from in front, which never happened. (Though you would have been passed out if it did.)
Then you told Kaylee your story of Scott coming in right after you arrived at the apartment. This is not true, but it seemed that way to you because you were passed out and lost track of time. And you told Kaylee the fake bit about Scott demanding to know where the money is, and then shooting Mulrenin. And Kaylee made up the bit about Scott hiding in the back of your car and other things that are not important.
You probably said the duct tape was from Scott tying Mulrenin up, which is neater than saying you are the one who used it to dress the wound. Though today it seems like you are genuinely confused about what duct tape was there. You don't remember something like what is in the picture or how, it does not fit your memory or story, it is a surprise to you, something new and extra that doesn't fit. You seem to not have a good enough memory of what actually happened, to make up lies about the duct tape or anything else. Every lie you tell does not fit the actual evidence, and you have to change it - or more often you just argue with me and even bet me that I am the one who is wrong - when I tell you what the evidence is.
You were forced to make up a story remembering very little, and based on incomplete evidence, and based on evidence that was faked but your lawyers hid this from you. But the worst part, from your lawyers' point of view, was the story you told them involved Chris Dahl driving Scott there an hour later to do the robbery. But what you didn't know, and I tried to tell you, was that your lawyers had already cut a secret deal with Chris's lawyer Adam Reiss.
They needed Adam Reiss to get a waiver from Julie Madara so they could keep my $100,000. They were not about to let you tell a story about Chris Dahl, and expose that they basically took a bribe from Chris Dahl's lawyer. And they told your robbery story to Adam Reiss, and he said it is not true anyway. So they looked the other way on Reiss fixing Julie Madara's story while he was Chris Dahl's lawyer, to only give you life in prison. And the cops went along with this for their own reasons, their own fake evidence to keep hidden.
And your lawyers knew their cop and prosecutor friends faked the video times, to make it look like Scott came earlier with you. And your story did not fit the evidence well enough because your memory was foggy. You did not have a coherent enough story to get anyone else convicted, just get them and their friends in trouble. So they just went to trial and hid that their friends lied, and blamed it all on the jailhouse witnesses, and you got life.
You tried and tried to get your lawyers to tell this robbery story at trial, but they wouldn't. Judge Recksiedler herself did not believe there was a robbery or murder. When your lawyers said Scott Love was a murderer, Recksiedler was surprised. She went out of line asking you out loud in court if you agreed with your lawyers saying a murder took place. You said "YES!"
So finally your parents came to visit you in prison, and you told them your silly robbery story and they believed it. Because it fit their preconceptions. Then you told me, and I immediately saw it didn't fit any of the evidence, and everything you said was ridiculous. I said prove it is a robbery. So you started making up nonsense on the spot, that when you went back to Chris house you overheard Chris and Scott talking about how it was a robbery.
You actually overheard Scott say something about how he was watching you on the balcony and saw Mulrenin drugged you. You then developed a paranoid hallucination that Scott had been hiding in the bedroom the whole time listening to you. This was inspired by the fake video times that showed Scott shadowing you when you got to the Lofts. This was terrifying to you when Carrie showed you the video, but did not actually happen. Scott hiding in the bedroom could not have been part of any plan with you, because you bet me $100 the bedroom didn't have a door which of course it does.
In your fake story, it's like Scott comes in and starts a fight and does all this other stuff - he throws you around, makes all kinds of noise, creates chaos with no rational plan whatsoever... And then somewhere in the middle of all of that and towards the end Scott mentions that he also came to rob Mulrenin. Like also, give me your money. Like I am here going crazy, but now that is done and I have made as much noise as I can, I also came with a plan. But it doesn't fit. And the story you tell violates the evidence at every step.
Then you told your sister you never met Mulrenin before, and I sent you an email reminding you that you were at his house four times that week. So now I think you are angling for a story of that is actually when Scott and Chris were setting up the robbery. I had previously asked you at Lowell why your phone was at Mulrenin's house all week, and you told me something about going to the pet shop is why your phone was in "Jamestown" all the time. What very little you have said of this new story starting four days before is already not credible, and you are not even able to come up with full details.
What you don't get, is that nobody will ever believe your boyfriend did a robbery, that you did not know about and weren't involved in. You used the credit cards with your boyfriend. People don't know your circumstances, or how your naive mind works. They don't know that guys like me have been giving you credit cards your whole life like money is free to adults, or that Mulrenin himself encouraged girls to blow money on guys' credit cards, like they are rich and made of money which nobody will miss. People don't know that at the time you used the credit cards, you yourself did not even know what happened and why.
When you say they did a robbery, you are only testifying against yourself. Especially if you hide that you are a hooker who screws old guys for money, hide that you smoked weed that night, and hide everything else you want to hide, and then say Scott did it, he forced me. Inside your mind, to you, it seems like you are picturing things that have nothing to do with you. But outside in the world, the actual effect is that you are lying about yourself.
So you cannot get your revenge for the death of your boyfriend Mulrenin, without testifying against yourself, it is stupid. Especially saying Mulrenin didn't drug you with the cocaine, or you didn't do any drugs, or Mulrenin did not make you come to his house to get paid. The whole story of why you were there falls apart without the real details. Everything that makes Mulrenin look good and makes your boyfriend look like a robber, also makes you look like a robber.
You can't say I was little miss priss just going there to ask to borrow some money, and Mulrenin was Mr. Priss never did drugs, and suddenly these two crazy robbers showed up and I used the credit cards at Walmart and told police I was never there.
So you have to admit the truth, there was no robbery, Scott was just jealous, you cheated on him for drugs, you are a hooker, and nobody made Mulrenin go over the balcony except his own reckless living. But you are too emotionally attached to your story, and confused from being drugged that night, lied to, and locked for years in isolation.
And you are unable to follow goal-oriented behavior, but just your emotional impulses to say and guess and imagine random things. Just sitting there saying "Oh my God, I can't remember, I have to lie I didn't do any cocaine, goddamn that Scott who killed my boyfriend, was there even a door in the apartment?" will not get you out of prison.
The penalty for a robbery where someone dies is life in prison. If you insist on lying that there was a robbery when there was none, you will spend your life in prison. I will have no part of it. And your reason - to get revenge on Chris Dahl - will never happen. If your lawyer talks to Chris Dahl, it will only be to get Chris Dahl to swear you are lying.
Mandi and the Duct Tape (written four months after 2023 Homestead visit)
Here is why I don't think Mandi has any memory of the duct tape. During my visits at Lowell in 2021, Mandi would tell me things about what happened that night. I told her that her story did not explain a duct tape loop with two blood marks on it that matched Mulrenin's thigh. I don't recall her ever coming up with any response or explanation for what the duct tape looked like.
One of the reasons it took me so long to understand why Mandi was saying what she was saying, is I never let her get through a whole story. I always stopped her to point out something she said did not fit some evidence. It wasn't until I visited her at Homestead in 2023, that she told more story, and said enough details together to enable me to understand why she was saying what she was saying.
I previously mentioned how at one point Mandi said "I thought I saw something else, wasn't there like a cable tie?" It seemed like the first time she saw any cable tie was at her trial. It makes sense now to hypothesize that Mandi's first cable tie statement at Lowell might have been responding to me pointing out her story did not explain the duct tape. But I don't remember her cable tie statement following immediately after any discussion about the duct tape.
Whatever the reason Mandi brought up a cable tie, she did not seem to know there were three cable ties. And she did not seem to know they were unusually big. We argued for a bit at Lowell about what cable ties can be used for. I eventually figured out, she was thinking of ordinary small cable ties.
So at Homestead the duct tape came up again, and how it had blood and matched Mulrenin's thigh. Mandi said something new, as if somebody had showed her a picture of the duct tape since I last visited her, and now she knew what I was talking about. She said "You mean the duct tape loop by the sliding glass door? That wasn't there, I don't know where that came from, maybe police planted it there." It seems that between our talks at Lowell, and a year and a half later at Homestead, somebody actually showed her a picture of that duct tape. And she realized it did not fit her story.
So prior to 2023, Mandi did not actually know what that duct tape looked like, or even that it was there. As soon as somebody showed it to her, she realized it did not fit her memory or story, and she said that duct tape is not what she was talking about. Long story short, Mandi wants to say Scott and Chris Dahl did a robbery. But she is unable to make up a good fake story, because she does not actually know what the evidence is or what happened there that night.
If Mandi has no memory of the duct tape, is it possible Mulrenin used it himself to tape up his wound, after both Scott and Mandi left the apartment? Scott has now twice sworn he was not in the apartment when Mulrenin went over. I still think Scott was in the apartment when Mulrenin went over, and both Scott and Mandi were in the apartment when the duct tape was used to stop the bleeding. But I won't distract with those details here.
Mandi was held without bond. All her phone calls were recorded and she could not talk. I waited five years to finally talk to her in person, and find out what really happened that night.
For five years I assumed Mandi knew why Scott was there and what his interaction with Mulrenin was. I was wrong. Mandi does not know why Scott came, and did not witness his interaction with Mulrenin. Before I tell you what Mandi said, I will tell you my conclusions based on two months of analyzing what she said, and comparing it to the evidence.
Mandi had been visiting Mulrenin regularly at his house for over a year.
Mandi was delivering drugs from Chris Dahl's house to the strip clubs, when some unusually big customers came in. She went to her friend Mulrenin, to see if he could get her in to start late and work. The big customers paid with credit cards and spent dance coupons instead of cash. Mulrenin told the girls he would give them cash the next day.
Mulrenin told Mandi if she stayed after all the other girls left, he would give her cash for her dance coupons. Then he told her to come by his house probably with some drugs, and he would give her cash. Mandi stopped by Chris Dahl's house where Chris and Scott were smoking meth. She told them she was going to Mulrenin's house to get some money.
Mandi met Mulrenin at the curb, and he lured her upstairs. She had sex with him, and then went to the garage to get a tampon and have a cigarette. This happened later than 5:24 when police claim it happened. But Mandi just accepted what she was told, that this happened about 30 minutes after she arrived. Her phone battery was probably dead. Her phone was probably off, and charging next to the sink in Mulrenin's kitchen.
When they got back from the garage, Mulrenin did a line, and cut Mandi a line. The line he cut Mandi had 5mg of codeine in it. She passed out and lost track of time and doesn't remember much. Mandi thinks she was only there for 40 or 45 minutes, when in fact she was there for two hours. Mulrenin gave Mandi vodka which she doesn't like. But she drank too much because she likes orange juice and she was having fun.
Scott needed a ride to work, and came looking for Mandi. He found her car in the garage, but could not find her. At some point she woke up, and went out on the balcony to smoke a cigarette, still out of it and having no memory. Scott saw her there from outside, figured out what apartment it was, came into the building behind a dog walker, and knocked on the door around 6:30 AM.
Scott knocked on the door, and Mulrenin stashed the cocaine in the cabinet and answered the door. Scott broke Mulrenin's phone and forced his way into the apartment. Mulrenin got shot in the back of the leg. But Mandi didn't witness and doesn't remember any of that. And her lawyers didn't tell her that happened, and probably didn't even piece it together.
Mandi remembers going to the garage, coming back and being offered a line, going to the balcony, then coming back in and Scott was in the room, all happening at once. But in fact, all that took at least 45 minutes. It is as if Mandi passed out again after going to the balcony, and was woken by the gunshot into like a unihemispheric sleepwalking state which she does not remember.
I vaguely remember her saying she went out to the balcony, and that is when Mulrenin cut the line and offered it to her when she came back in. So it is possible she went out to the balcony to smoke right when she came back, that is when Scott saw her, then she came back in and passed out. And it took a long time for Scott to find a way into the building.
Mandi may have heard the gunshot and shouting and stood up still half asleep, or Scott may have physically awakened her. Scott pushed Mulrenin, Mulrenin bumped into Mandi, and Mandi fell over. She was face down, and unable to get up for being incapacitated and injured by her fall. At some point Scott said to Mandi "Where's the money?" Scott was referring to the money Mandi told him she was coming to get from Mulrenin.
Someone made a field dressing of Mulrenin's wound and tried to pack and compress it, and made a tourniquet, to try stop the bleeding. Then Scott went into the kitchen, and fiddled around in a kitchen drawer, dropping a pair of clamshell tongs on the floor. He may have been looking for something to get the bullet out of the recliner, or for scissors or a dish rag to pack the wound.
At this time, Mulrenin walked out to the balcony, shedding the field dressing along the way. Surgical gloves, which were torn impatiently off a large man's hands, were dropped in the same spot. Mandi's hands are so skinny, the gloves would probably pull off her hands without tearing like they did. Mulrenin then sort of stumbled half way over the railing. Scott saw him falling, and ran toward the balcony. But before he could get there, Mulrenin jumped.
The guy who lived below, Jerome Aschcroft, lied to police on the day it happened and lied at trial, that it was the previous tenant who did drugs and partied all night, when in fact it was Mulrenin. A good friend of Mulrenin who grew up with him, told me Mulrenin was good friends with Ashcroft and would have been likely to climb down to his balcony. That is such a crazy thing to say, it sounded to me like Mulrenin had done it before.
Mulrenin was involved in a lot of criminal activity, not just drugging a hooker. He did not want to draw attention to himself by walking through the halls of his apartment bleeding. So Mulrenin wanted to climb down to deal with his problem with Ashcroft because he trusted Aschroft would not say anything (and maybe had a car and could tape up his leg a lot better than Mandi or Scott could). I don't know why Mulrenin went over, he could have just stumbled. But I believe Scott was in the kitchen when Mulrenin went out there, not threatening him in any way
Mandi's recollection of these events is so discombobulated and inaccurate, I believe she really doesn't know what happened. I still think she had a hand in field dressing the wound. But she had been drinking vodka which she cannot handle, she snorted codeine, and she was on anxiety medication. So it is possibe she was still face down on the floor through all this including Mulrenin going over.
Mandi seemed to run out of there knowing that Mulrenin was shot in the leg, but not knowing where exactly in his leg, or where or when it happened. Mandi insisted persistently to me, and claims to have argued extensively with her lawyers, that Mulrenin was shot from the front while sitting in the recliner. Though she may have pieced that together after reading that he had a bullet hole in his leg in the paper. I told her where the bullet hole was in the back of his leg, and the angle. We agreed it was impossible based on what she was telling me.
Mandi also said Mulrenin was on the floor after interacting with Scott, but then Scott went into the kitchen, and Mulrenin got up and sat down on the recliner while Scott was in the kitchen. I asked her why Mulrenin would go sit down in the recliner if a man who broke into his house and he was fighting with was in his kitchen. She did not have any answer. She seems to have simply invented this part without actually knowing, to fill in how Mulrenin ended up in the recliner.
Mandi seems to have been influenced to fill in the blanks with some of the things people said at her trial, which are impossible based on the evidence. But the people who said those impossible things, were let out of prison for saying them. So Mandi thinks they are good things to say.
I don't think she is lying about not knowing what actually happened. I think she really didn't see some, and doesn't remember the rest. And she has imagined things over the years while drugged and locked in isolation. And she has filled in with incorrect ideas from other people. Mandi was frightened by Scott coming in, in her mind almost right after she got there. Mandi ran out of that apartment, not really knowing what had happened or why.
Mandi ran out to the garage, and got in her car. Scott stayed behind, and pulled out the rug, trying to hide the blood or find the bullet. Scott moved the recliner forward over the blood puddle to hide it. Mandi drove out of there without him. Scott never ran into the garage, where he had located Mandi's car. Scott did not try to make contact or get a ride from Mandi in the garage. He went straight down the stairs and had or found another way home.
Mandi almost breaks out in tears when I mention Mulrenin, and gets angry at me. She seems very attached to him and sad he is dead.
As a general example of how our conversation went, here is approximately how the cable ties came up in conversation.
Mandi: Wasn't there something else there? I thought I saw like a cable tie. (spoken as if her trial was the first time she saw it)
Me: Yes.
Mandi: So there was a cable tie there.
Me: There were three cable ties, two open and one closed.
Mandi: (pensive to herself) I don't know where... Where did that come from?
Me: Well my theory is the cable ties were, uh...
Mandu: Was it in... It came from...
Me: (eagerly awaiting to know)
Mandi: (thinks for a bit, scrunches up her eyes, not able to answer)
As I detail below, this is at a time when Mandi was trying to persuade me Scott came to rob Mulrenin whom she saw like a boyfriend, and killed him. But Mandi was unwilling to just say "Scott brought that cable tie". She said all kinds of things that were impossible based on the evidence, and argued with me about them. But she gave no ideas, lies, or theories, about where the cable tie came from. Seemingly because the first time she remembered seeing it, was at her trial, and even then not a clear memory that stood out.
Mandi and I actually argued about cable ties for a bit. I realize now this was because Mandi was thinking of a common small cable tie. Cable ties are usually much smaller than the ones in her case (though I have seen ones like in her case used on theater lighting and drink hoses under the bar like at strip clubs). Mandi kept saying I cannot tell her about cable ties, because she sees them every day while working on air conditioners at the prison. I thought she was either stupid, or intentionally misrepresenting cable ties to me, and what they can be used for. Ten months later, I realize she was simply thinking of small cable ties, whereas I was thinking of unusually big cable ties. Mandi really did not know the cable ties in her case were bigger than usual! If you begin with the assumption that Mandi knows anything about this case, you will be forever confused.
Mandi: What was used to tie the lights on the balcony?
Me: String.
A bit later, Mandi asked me what was used to tie the Christmas lights on the balcony. This was based on some nonsense her lawyer Bark said at trial. Best explanation is Mandi got the sense of the cable tie (and that there was only one of them) from her lawyer at trial, and her lawyer Bark at least actually believed it was small. I looked at the picture again, and it is possible with a quick look to miss that they are big. I saw them in person at Love's trial. But before that, I think it was only by doing some analysis of the picture, that I was able to know their size. A lot of things could be explained by Mandi's lawer Carrie Rentz being stupid. But every time I looked for indications of Carrie being stupid, all I got was indications she is one of the smartest people in the area. Carrie seems to have made a calculation to tread lightly.
Because the cable ties seemed to come as a novel discovery to Mandi, my first instinct was to wonder if police planted the cable ties. But the way they appeared in photographs, and the closed one being closest in circumference to Mulrenin's thigh above his wound and having a spot of blood, discredits that hypothesis. Mandi's surprising helplessness to defend herself against proven lies, corroborates the idea that Mandi really does not know what happened.
For months before these conversations, Mandi asked me if Scott would be allowed to testify at her trial (if she got a new trial). She did not understand it is not a matter of whether he is allowed, it is a matter that he cannot be forced to testify and likely would choose not to. Mandi wanted Scott to testify, because she expected him to tell the truth which would exonerate her. Mandi is no longer friends with Scott, and she has no good way to communicate with him. And yet she revealed in these subsequent conversations, that the truth she expects Scott would testify to, is physically impossible nonsense not based in reality.
I cannot make sense of this. For example, suppose Mandi were passed out, and she only discovered what happened that night by hearing Scott tell someone afterward. And suppose what Scott said afterward was lies, designed to save him embarrassment about his girlfriend blowing another guy or being a hooker, or glorify himself in some way. Neither that, nor any other hypothesis, can explain the things coming out of Mandi's mouth. It really is as if she wasn't there, and everything she knows she got from someone else.
Late 2023 note: I think I understand the Scott testifying thing. Mandi is angry at Scott. But she cannot call Scott on the phone to tell Scott she is angry. So she sees bringing Scott into court, as just a way to bitch at him. She does not really have a concept of the court procedure, she just sees it as a way to get even with Scott for Scott saying it was her at Walmart but not him, plus some other things. By making Scott testify, she just sees it as a way to touch Scott in an angry way. It has nothing to do with thinking Scott will tell the truth.
I used to have a longer analysis here of where Mandi was when Scott came in. But now all I can say is that I believe she was passed out on the sofa. I no longer think it is likely she was passed out on the bed, and walked out through the bathroom half awake in a dream state when awakened by the gunshot.
I talked to Mandi in prison again in 2023, and she clarified that Scott came out of the bathroom. That doesn't mean it happened, but she may have first woke up when Scott was in that general area. Mandi remembered incorrectly that there was not another door from the bedroom to the living room. So she considers the bathroom as the way into the bedroom. And she says she got knocked down by the plant by the sofa, and then dragged by Scott to the bar by the end of the entertainment center where the Christmas tree is.
Mandi remembers going to the garage, coming back and being offered a line, going to the balcony, then coming back in and Scott was in the room, all happening at once. But in fact, all that took at least 45 minutes. Just going on what Mandi said, it is as if Mandi passed out again in the chair on the balcony, and was woken by the gunshot into like a unihemispheric sleepwalking state which she does not remember. But it is likely she came in from the balcony before Scott came in, and she just doesn't remember.
In 2023, Mandi said her cup was almost full when she left the balcony. She admits there is no opportunity in her timeline, for it to get almost empty like police found it, given none was splashed out.
Mandi appeared to try to save a half-smoked cigarette before she left the garage, to light again at Mulrenin's apartment. And I remember her saying on the first day, she went out to the balcony right when she came back from the garage. And while she was out there, is when Mulrenin cut the line and offered it to her when she came back in. So it is possible she went out to the balcony to smoke right when she came back, that is when Scott saw her, then she came back in and passed out. And it took a long time for Scott to find a way into the building. In 2023 Mandi said she was out on the balcony more than once.
Scott has more recently signed an affidavit that when he came in Mandi was on the balcony, and he saw she was drugged and stumbling. I believe most likely he simply saw her like that from outside, then came in to find her passed out.
Mandi said Mulrenin kept trying to get her to lie down and go to sleep on the sofa, and that is probably where she was. But she either sleepwalked or Scott somehow got her off there to the bar area, and that is where her first memories begin. If Mandi was passed out on the sofa, and Mulrenin was near her, that would fit my original 2016 guess of where Mandi and Mulrenin were when Scott shot Mulrenin from behind. Mandi said a lot more in 2023, which I will get to another day.
I talked to Mandi in person at Lowell Correctional Institution Annex on Saturday, August 8th, 2021 around 2:00 PM. Video was likely captured of this conversation, as well as possibly audio, and there were witnesses who probably heard parts of it.
I began visiting Mandi Jackson in prison in the summer of 2021. There was a private area in the visitor park where Jackson could have told me about her case. But she only used it to talk about dumb stripper stuff. When we spoke about Jackson's case indirectly, her casual attitude suggested she didn't think there was anything I could learn about her case that I didn't already know.
Finally on the third visit, Jackson did start ranting about her case and what happened the night Mulrenin died. But it wasn't really in private. Because Jackson didn't care that much if somebody caught a little tidbit, because Jackson believes she is innocent. And everybody already knows what Jackson is convicted of. And she is angry about it.
One thing I learned that day, is that Jackson's lawyers hid from her, that they knew the video times were faked by police to create a fake story (just like they hid from Mandi that Adam Reiss was Chris Dahl's lawyer). Jackson said her lawyers told her over and over, that she was the one lying to them about the video times. But apparently that was just a cross-examination tactic, or a product of having been bribed by Chris Dahl's lawyer Adam Reiss. Because on the outside Jackson's lawyers were acting like, and Jackson's lawyer Carrie Rentz specifically told me, the lawyers knew the video times were faked.
For this reason, I had a priority at Lowell Annex, to question Jackson about the timeline of events that night. (I never would have guessed, that Jackson did not actually know things like when or where Mulrenin got shot.)
Telephone records and the 911 call report can be combined, to show Jackson was with Mulrenin at his apartment building for 1 hour and 51 minutes.
I asked Jackson at Lowell Annex on August 8, 2021, what time she went out to the garage. She said about 25 or 30 minutes after she arrived, she went out to her car to get a tampon. My analysis of how she said this on the two days when she said it, leads me to believe she was just going on what the video timestamps made by police showed, and what her lawyers told her. Jackson said how long this was, in a tone of confirming with me, like she did not know herself how long before she went out to the garage.
I previously suspected Jackson was on her period that night, because there was a new box of tampons photographed next to Love's boots, in the active junk at Jackson's house, in Arbor Ridge Trail search photo 74. That photo corroborates Jackson's statements at Lowell Annex. I assume Jackson went in and had sex with Mulrenin and that is why she needed the new tampon, but Jackson hid that from me.
According to Jackson at Lowell Annex on August 8, 2021, Jackson got a tampon in the garage, then went back into Mulrenin's apartment and Mulrenin offered her a line of cocaine, after doing a line of cocaine himself.
Lofts Day 1 photo 166 taken by Alison Smolarek suggests Mulrenin cut 5mg of codeine into the line. But I don't think Jackson knows that. Mulrenin had no codeine in his toxicology report, so this suggests the missing half of the 10mg pill was only offered to Jackson.
I don't think Jackson remembers taking the line. Though based on my experience with Jackson, it is likely that she did. Basically the next thing Jackson remembers credibly (according to her statements at Lowell Annex), Scott was at Mulrenin's apartment and grabbing Jackson by the back of her shirt. Though Scott would have been behind her, so I am not sure even that is credible.
I asked Jackson what time was she first aware Love was at Mulrenin's apartment? Jackson responded "I was there like forty, forty-five minutes?" Jackson's statements to me at Lowell Annex, revealed that after Mulrenin cut the line with the codeine which Jackson doesn't remember taking, an hour disappeared that to this day Jackson is not aware of.
Here is my best reconstruction two days later, of this portion of Jackson's statements at Lowell Annex:
Me: What time, relative to when you got there, did you go out to your car in the garage?
Jackson: Like 25 or 30 minutes. I went to get a tampon and a cigarette. (Jackson answered like she has been asked this a lot of times.)
Jackson: We got back in there and he cut a line and he took a line, and he offered me a line, I don't think I took it. (fat chance of that)
Jackson: [And then Scott came in]
Me: What time was it, or at what time did you first become aware that Scott was at Mulrenin's apartment building?
Jackson: What time? I don't know. I was there like forty, forty-five minutes? What time were you saying I got there?
Me: You were there for two hours.
Jackson: [confusion]
Me: [simplified] Okay, you arrive at this time, you leave at this time [using my hands on the table] . Where in here did you first become aware Scott was at Mulrenin's apartment building.
Jackson: [approximate] I guess near the end?
Me: Mulrenin went over the balcony at 6:37 AM. Relative to that time, when did you first become aware Scott was at Mulrenin's apartment building?
Jackson: [like 5 or 10 minutes before that - I don't remember exactly how she said it, I was just so excited to hear it]
Me: That fits with what I knew. He got there at like 6:15 AM. (I meant to the outside of the building)
Jackson's statements suggest that she was drugged against her will and without her knowledge. They show that her visit to Mulrenin's apartment was longer than planned or expected, and that she was incapacitated to where she could not call Love. Or who even knows what happened or what Jackson tried to do, in the missing hour.
Jackson's statements corroborate Love's original trial narrative that it was a consensual visit that went awry, and his lawyer Nielsen's previously suggested narrative that Love somehow rescued Jackson from being drugged. Love was prohibited from using that narrative, when the Court barred the introduction of the pill which likely started the detour of events that night.
I also bought Jackson a bottle of orange juice in the Lowell Annex visitor park. Jackson said it was the first time she had orange juice in five years. Jackson took one drink, and said yuck, it just reminds me of vodka, I can't drink it. The totality of Jackson's statements suggested the vodka and orange juice which evidence shows Mulrenin served her, contributed to her being incapacitated and in medical distress in Mulrenin's apartment.
I asked Mandi about my theory that Dalindy Luckett would have been driving home to Seminole County around the time Love showed up. Mandi said she didn't see and never heard of Dalindy Luckett. Mandi said it would have been Chris Dahl in his own gold SUV with the "Tricky T" license plate.
I already came around to the idea that Scott arrived there later, and Chris Dahl was somehow involved, before talking to Mandi in prison. But Mandi did not get it from me. I sent her an earlier version of the book, and she never read it. She did not like it.
Even the things she said way before all this, when she was not trying to tell me how Scott got there, or even blame anything on Chris Dahl, fit with implying Chris Dahl drove Scott there. She implied Chris Dahl did something when she wasn't even talking about how Scott got there, but didn't tell me what. And at different times she said she was angry at Scott for coming and implied that she did not drive him, but did not say how he arrived.
Maybe she originally felt like she got caught cheating, but then decided they were evil.
I've searched for three months now for any reason to doubt Jackson's claim Chris Dahl drove Scott there,
even though I had already come to that conclusion myself (except I did not know what car Chris Dahl would have used because I incorrectly thought the SUV belonged to his sister).
The strongest indicators it is true are 1) Love did not try to find or make contact with Jackson in the garage when he ran out,
2) the obvious, Jackson is not going to leave Love waiting in the street for even 30 minutes so that he would come in not knowing where her car is and look for it and then not knock until 6:30,
3) there were a lot of small reasons, like Jackson on the phone sounding so surprised and angry about seeing the video of Love, a lot of people suggesting Chris Dahl was involved, other things,
and 4) Mandi's lawyer knew the video was edited based on it showing Love getting there before Jackson.
Mandi accepted what the video said, that she went to the garage 25 or 30 minutes after she got there, even though I believe it was later.
This means Mandi was telling her lawyers Scott's arrival time was impossible right from the beginning,
even though she believed there was no evidence against her and she believed both she and Scott would walk out of there.
So right on day one when she thought both she and Scott would walk,
and she was not trying to incriminate Scott or Chris for fear they would lie about her in retaliation, she was saying someone else drove Scott there.
Jackson made additional statements at Lowell Annex on August 8, 2021, regarding Love's motive. Over time, the idea grew on Jackson, that Love had murdered her boyfriend, and she was angry about it. Jackson indicated to me that at some point before Jackson's trial, Jackson gave in to the belief that Scott Love and Chris Dahl may have planned a robbery.
Jackson stated that she wanted her lawyers to use this robbery narrative at her trial, rather than their jealous boyfriend narrative. But Jackson's lawyers did not think the robbery narrative was credible. Remember also that Mandi's lawyers were bribed by Chris Dahl's lawyer, but they did not tell her that part. (Her lawyers probably also believed the fake video times - which made it appear Love arrived at the same time as Jackson, and which they had quid pro quos from cops and lawyers to ignore - made the robbery narrative risky.)
After talking to Jackson at Lowell Annex, I concluded by my own analysis that Jackson gave in to the idea that Love and Dahl may have planned a robbery, for multiple reasons. These reasons seemed to include:
1) Jackson did not realize she passed out, and how much time had passed. This made it seem like Love showed up rather quickly after she arrived, which was totally unexpected and unexplained to her.
2) According to Jackson at Lowell Annex, and Jackson's mother back in 2016, Love battered Jackson at some point. This combined with Jackson's previous experience with pimps, to cause Jackson to perceive Love in an aggressive manner when he arrived.
3) After this event, Jackson's parents were telling her Love is a terrible violent person in ways nobody ever told her, and Chris Dahl is a criminal who must have planned this.
4) Jailhouse witness Julie Madara, who got her information from Chris Dahl's lawyer, said it was a robbery planned by Chris Dahl. Jackson did not know where Madara got her story, but thought she got it over the phone from Conway.
5) Jackson was angry at Love and Dahl for what happened, and came to view their actions in a sinister light. Everybody told her it was a robbery.
At Lowell Annex on August 8, 2021, I challenged Jackson's belief that this was a planned robbery. In response, Jackson offered me multiple items, to persuade me it was a planned robbery by Love and Dahl. Some of what Jackson said didn't make any sense at all. Like suppose Jackson said "Scott collapsed the jetski tent" but there was no jetski tent. I wouldn't ask "Is collapsing a jetski tent evidence of a planned robbery?" I would ask "Why is she saying this to me?"
Jackson's best answer, when I pointed out the things she said that made no sense, is that Jackson doesn't know what Love or police did after she left Mulrenin's apartment. But that is not a plausible explanation to me.
I took some time analyzing the things Jackson said which make no sense, to divide them up between multiple causes. One is that Jackson was awakened into a sort of unihemispheric sleep by the gunshot, and was basically sleep-walking, and her first memories are a jumble of bad dreams and things from right before she passed out. The other is that she is an idiot. Or she is lying for some reason, probably because she is malicious toward Love and Dahl.
All Jackson was left with at Lowell Annex that day, was two arguments to persuade me it was a planned robbery. The first is that she told Love and Dahl "I'm going to go make some money off this guy" when she left. Because Love and Dahl did not object at the time Jackson said that, Jackson says that proves they must not have been jealous. If they did not act jealous or angry at the moment Jackson came to and left Dahl's house, they were not jealous or angry and approved of what she was doing. So the only other explanation is robbery. That is Jackson's logic, explained by her to me at Lowell Annex.
Jackson's analysis presented to me at Lowell Annex, was confused and corrupted by her lawyers never telling Jackson the video times were fake, and that Jackson was with Mulrenin at his apartment for two hours, not 40 or 45 minutes (where she apparently blacked out after Mulrenin cut the codeine into her line). So to Jackson it appeared that Love and Dahl followed quickly on her heels. As if they sat and watched her leave, and then followed closely after her. But in fact, Love got there at least an hour after Jackson. So Jackson herself was partially fooled and frightened by the fake video times, despite insisting to her lawyers that Love could not have gotten there at the same time as her.
At Lowell Annex, it seemed like Jackson was trying to persuade me that she made her plans clear to Love and Dahl that night. But she probably did not make it as clear to them as she said it to me "I'm going to go make some money off this guy." Jackson probably said something more like "This guy told me I could cash out my dancer dollars if I go by his house, and he also wants a bag of coke, so I am going to go make some money." The first thing she told me she said was closer to "I'm going to Mulrenin's house to get some money."
Just because Love did not reveal he was angry, doesn't mean both he and Dahl weren't insulted and slighted when Jackson left to hang out with Mulrenin. And it is not certain, based on Jackson's statements at Lowell Annex, that they even immediately realized what Jackson was up to. Girls are often subtle and deceptive, and it is always hard to believe what hookers do. Jackson clearly told them where she was going. And she is a hooker. But it still may have taken a while for it to grow on them, or who even knows what.
According to witnesses Mellinger and Cintron, all the business was in dancer dollars that night, so Jackson was broke at the end of the night. According to my own prior information and investigation from multiple witnesses including Jackson's mother, Mulrenin kept Jackson at Dollhouse for an extra two hours, by dangling the possibility that he would cash out just her dancer dollars, after all the other girls left.
So when Jackson walked into Chris Dahl's house and Dahl and Love were smoking meth, Love was probably already irritated at Jackson for wondering where she had been. And Jackson basically said "You two losers are just sitting here smoking meth? Then I am going to go hang out with this other guy, see ya." But my analysis of Jackson's statements is that these were not career pimps Jackson is used to, these were more normal and sensitive men.
If Jackson clearly told them what she was going to do, and they approved and were not angry or jealous when she left, and they followed shortly after her, that seems to Jackson like a planned robbery. But probably all three of those things are false.
The second argument Jackson offered to me at Lowell Annex, to prove that it was a planned robbery, is that Love ran into Mulrenin's kitchen and violently opened a kitchen drawer and rifled through it, causing items to fall out on the floor. Jackson said Love must have been searching for valuables.
Nobody searches for valuables by digging frantically through spatulas. All the drawers, cabinets, boxes, storage areas, bedclothes, and valuables in plain sight in Mulrenin's apartment, were undisturbed. There were two things out of place in the whole apartment. The first was a pair of clumsy metal clamshell tongs on the kitchen floor, which fits with Jacksons statements at Lowell Annex. The only other thing that was disturbed in the whole apartment, was the carpet under the sofa where Mulrenin was shot and bled (*and maybe a roll of toilet paper).
Jackson stated at Lowell Annex, that the carpet was not like that when she ran out.
My reconstruction of the timeline has always accounted for these two items, as Love trying to find the bullet. Around the time Mulrenin was unattended and went over the balcony, Love was looking for something to reach into the hole in the recliner, to extract the bullet to get rid of the evidence. After Mulrenin went over and Jackson left, Love pulled out the rug and turned over the recliner looking for the bullet. But my explanation is probably too cute, and Love could have been looking for scissors or an oven mitt to pack the wound or a dish rag, or anything, when the tongs fell out.
Jackson offered me some additional statements to persuade me of Love's aggression towards her when he entered Mulrenin's apartment. These statements did not support the robbery narrative, but the jealous boyfriend narrative. To this point, I have only been able to understand and validate one of these statements, as credible and corroborated by other statements and evidence.
Jackson stated that when she first became aware of Love in the apartment, Mulrenin stood between Jackson and Love. Love pushed Mulrenin, Mulrenin bumped into Jackson, and Jackson fell over with a sprained ankle in heels, and a skinned knee. Jackson was on the floor and unable to get up. According to Jackson at Lowell Annex, Love grabbed Jackson by the back of her shirt, and sort of picked her up and threw her around in an angry aggressive manner.
Jackson was wearing a dress with thin shoulder straps, with an oversized man's blazer over it. I believe this was Love's blazer, which Jackson grabbed from her car because she was cold, and to humor "GQ Jim" by dressing like him. But I have not asked Jackson about it. I have always believed Love was angry upon coming in and seeing Jackson wearing his blazer. So it is possible, but a little hokey, to suspect Love was sort of grabbing his jacket, which he was angry Jackson was wearing.
A more plausible explanation to me, is that Love believed he was rescuing Jackson from being drugged, and incapacitated and abused by Mulrenin. That was Mulrenin's reputation. Whereas Mulrenin saw Scott as an aggressive trespasser, who was known to be violent toward Jackson. That was Love's reputation. So Mulrenin was trying to protect Jackson by standing in between Love and Jackson, and Love was trying to rescue Jackson. And Jackson was crawling around in a dream state.
For Love to grab Jackson "by the back of my shirt" and basically pick her up and throw her around, it sounded to me like Jackson was lying face down on the floor incapacitated. And it sounds like Love may simply have been grabbing Jackson and turning her over, to see if she was okay. After turning Jackson over, Jackson claims Love turned his attention back to Mulrenin. But I am still trying to understand her statements and clarify these events. None of it contained evidence of a planned robbery.
If even the person who was there and convicted of robbery cannot convince me it was a robbery, it was not a robbery. Jackson's new statements support Love's narrative which he intended to use the codeine pill to support, but which the Court barred, that Jackson was drugged against her will and Love came in and rescued her, according to his perception of events (which perception probably was a result of some manipulation and provocation by Dahl and Mulrenin).
When Mulrenin first died, I hadn't been hanging out with Mandi for six months. Her life was a mystery to me. But I kept talking with Mandi's mom about what supposedly happened, and the case. Many people have figured out that Mandi's mom liked me. I spent money, I wasn't a pimp or a drug dealer. People figured out their own reasons why Mandi's mom liked me.
So back in 2016 and early 2017, Mandi's mom was talking to me about the case, and she was always saying "JAAAAAMES" when talking about Mulrenin. Jaaames this, and Jaaames that. I straight said to Mandi's mom, why do you say his name in such an affectionate manner?
I said you are like these people who try to talk Mulrenin up into some sweet guy he wasn't, to make Mandi look evil for murdering some sweet man. This is a coke-dealing jerk, who made your daughter come home with him, and didn't care what happened to her, and now she is facing life in prison. Just call him "Mulrenin" in the cold, impersonal manner that you should, when talking about a stranger like that.
Mandi's mom would say things like "You know Jaaames lived in this really nice apartment in Altamonte, and Jaaames did X, Y, and Z". I wondered where is she getting this gossip? This was not in the paper. Who is telling her these details about Mulrenin's life from a personal and positive angle? Why is she talking about this guy who used her daughter, like someone she knows as a friend? Listen to Mandi's recorded jail call, how her mom calls the manager "James".
I also remember Mandi at one time in 2016 telling ms she was at Ale House getting margaritas, which she loves. The first thing she wants to do when she gets out of prison, is go to Ale House and have margaritas. She is not into alcohol, she just likes sour fruity things.
But this one time back in 2016, Mandi told me she was at Ale House. But it was not the Ale House on Semoran or Colonial. I was never able to figure out which Ale House it was. And I also knew someone else was giving her money, but I never knew who it was.
I always thought Mulrenin was wrong to bring vodka and orange juice to the curb to lure Mandi upstairs, because Mandi does not like alcohol. But I have recently realized, Mandi really really loves sour juice. Mulrenin seems to have had some experience with her to know that.
But back in 2016 and early 2017 after Mandi got arrested, Mandi's mom kept saying "Jaaaaames" with a dreamy tone in her voice. And when Mandi was ranting at Lowell Annex on August 8, 2021, she was also saying "James James James." Mandi calls me by my full first name also, but nobody else does. Everybody at the strip clubs called Mulrenin "Jim", and I call him Mulrenin.
So on August 8, 2021 at Lowell Annex, I asked Mandi about some things I have been wondering about. One of them was the cell tower map I made, from the week of T-Mobile tower pings that nobody else ever talked about. I said something like "Why was your phone at Mulrenin's apartment four times that week?"
Mandi gave me a weird look. So I asked again, "There was a map of cell tower pings from the whole week before Mulrenin died, and it showed you were at Mulrenin's house four times that week." She was confused. She said something like "No there wasn't anything like that." Then she said something like "Did it show the actual address? No. So you don't really know then, do you."
(It should be noted Mandi was reciting my own line back to me, which is a habit of hers. A little earlier in the conversation, Mandi claimed it was a planned robbery. I said her story is missing evidence of a planned robbery "So you don't really know then, do you.")
At Lowell Annex on August 8, 2021, I said your lawyers never told you about that second T-Mobile record, and nobody ever mentioned it. But I made a map that connected the pings into a path, and I could pretty well tell where that car was, I mean that phone. Mandi said it wasn't her phone, it was Scott's phone, she was at home, she had no idea where it was. How the fuck is she supposed to know where Scott takes that phone?
I said it was also at Rachel's North, and at Rachel's. She said she had been working at Rachel's from time to time. Mandi said there are other places in or near "Jamestown" where that phone could have been. She started talking about the streets and businesses near "Jamestown".
Mandi kept talking about "Jamestown", and whether she had actually been there or not, when the cell towers said she was there. Like "No I wasn't anywhere near Jamestown." And "Are you sure the phone was in Jamestown?" Mandi apparently has an affectionate term for the little crappy strip mall where Mulrenin lived. She calls it "Jamestown." Apparently she has been there quite a few times.
I remember one time on the jail phone, Mandi mentioned turning towards Whole Foods when she left Mulrenin's apartment that night. I was surprised she would have noticed, and would remember years later, there was a Whole Foods there. Mandi is only supposed to have ever passed by it one time in her life, when she was fleeing the scene of a murder in the dark. But Mandi said it like common knowledge, like you know, the Whole Foods right there that everyone knows about. So it seemed Mandi is quite familiar with the Whole Foods in Jamestown.
So at Lowell Annex, Mandi's explanation finally came to this: There is a Pet Bazaar right by Jamestown. And Mandi's mom's job at that time, was also right by Jamestown. And I remember that, because I went looking for Mandi's mom's work up I-4, to talk to her about something. And Mandi explained to me in prison, that is the reason she was frequently in Jamestown over the previous year, was to go to Pet Bazaar, or visit her mom at work, and things like that.
And I remember Mandi's mom right after Mulrenin died, telling me Scott insisted on coming with Mandi when she came to visit her mom at work. Mandi's mom told me Scott seemed a bit jealous and clingy, and Mandi's mom feared at the time it would come to no good, Scott trying to follow Mandi every time she visited her mom, specifically at work. So you begin to suspect, this had been brewing for some time. Mandi may even have used her mom's phone to contact "Jaaaames" because she did not have her own phone.
Mandi's mom works in property management. That was her job, near The Lofts at that time. And she had been working before that I think at another complex in Seminole County. And Mandi's mom would have thought a guy who lived at The Lofts like "JAAAAMES" was the bee's knees. Way better even than a guy like me. After talking to Mandi at Lowell Annex, and Mandi's mom in 2016 and 2017, my interpretation is this: Mandi's mom thought it was pretty fancy that Mandi was screwing a sugar daddy who lived at The Lofts, and liked JAAAAMES way better than Scott or even me.
Mandi did not have the kind of relationship where she would visit her mom at work. And she would certainly not drive that far to do it, without some specific reason. Never in all the time I knew Mandi, did she have any reason to visit her mom at work (or even in the kitchen while living in the same house). And yet both she and her mom, four years apart and in regard to different subjects, said she did. They both implied Mandi visited more than once. That just about guarantees in my mind there was something else Mandi was going there for, with a perfect explanation she would drive there to smoke weed and get money from Mulrenin.
So I put together that Mandi had been seeing Mulrenin regularly for over a year. Probably ever since that time around Halloween 2015 when Mandi told me she went to apply at Stars (I understood on day shift), and she sat with Chris Dahl and the manager, and the manager gave her a free drink (I understood to be a sour fruity one). I knew all that time she was getting money from somewhere, from someone other than me. And now it all makes sense. Mulrenin was a better sugar daddy than I ever was, because he actually liked the arrangement. That is why I did not hear from Mandi for six months.
But of course Mandi's mom kept that hidden from me, because she is a female, and wanted me to pay for Mandi's lawyer. But I think there was a more important reason for hiding that Mulrenin was sort of like a boyfriend, in the eyes of Mandi's mom. Scott told Mandi right from the beginning, and for years after, that he would take the blame for what happened to Mulrenin. Mandi and her mom took an unrealistically wishful view of Scott's promise. And they thought if Scott knew Mandi was hanging out with Mulrenin for a whole year, Scott would break his promise.
When Mandi's mom called Mandi on the jail phone in December 2016 and got Mandi to talk, my analysis is that she was hoping to get Mandi to say Chris Dahl was there at Mulrenin's apartment. Because Mandi's mom hated Chris Dahl. And she wanted Chris Dahl to go to prison for killing the guy Mandi's mom liked the most, JAAAAAAMES. And Mandi is also angry, because Chris Dahl killed her boyfriend. And her mom is angry, because Chris Dahl killed Mandi's rich boyfriend. My take based on Mandi's statements at Lowell Annex on August, 8, 2021 is Mandi perceives that Scott and Chris killed her boyfriend.
Many people notice how on the jail phone with her mom, Mandi was confident there were no cameras in the halls. Mandi could not be so confident if that night was the first night she was ever there. Mandi said she went to the garage to have a cigarette. She appeared on video to try to put the cigarette out and save it before walking into the hall, but without Mulrenin telling her to. And she said she went to the balcony as soon as she got back to Mulrenin's apartment. So most likely, she had been arguing with Mulrenin why she is not allowed to smoke in the hall, and why she has to put it out and relight it, if there are no cameras.
A week later, August 14, 2021, I visited Jackson at Lowell Annex again. I hoped to get some clarification on some of things she said about what happened the night Mulrenin died. But I knew I could not come straight out and ask, because that would make her defensive. She would perceive my tone as accusing. This is not specific to Jackson or this case, it is me. I cannot even ask co-workers what time it is, without people thinking I am setting up to accuse them of something.
On my previous visit, Jackson said she was opposed to me doing anything that might get Love out of prison.
Jackson: Why would you want to do that?
Me: Because of the principle. I don't like them convicting people based on lies.
Jackson: I understand that, but still...
During my previous visit, we also spoke a little bit about deviant sexual behavior. Jackson argued that people who engage in deviant sexual behavior when they are children should be in prison when they are adults and do other crimes. I argued that there is no connection between the two. Someone who did something deviant when he was a child, should not be falsely convicted in court of a different crime when he is an adult, to punish him for what he did when he was a child. I also said I had argued about deviant children a while back (when a TV star was accused of having sex with his sister), and at that time I concluded it is fairly common for kids to do disturbing sexual stuff, when chidren of different ages and sexes are mixed together unsupervised. Though I was unable to recall any supporting examples, to tell Jackson at Lowell Annex.
During my previous visit, Jackson also said she had been moved to a new dorm. She said she was on the top bunk for the first time, and she was afraid and couldn't sleep, for fear of falling off the bunk in her sleep.
When I returned to Lowell Annex on August 15, 2021, I told Jackson a story about how I went to sleepaway camp when I was 7, and I was the youngest kid at the camp. I said late at night the older kids came and got me out of bed on at least two occasions, and brought me out on the stairs to kiss teenage girls on the lips, over the railing because they were taller. I said I had older sisters and brothers at the time, so it did not seem strange for older kids to wake me up at night doing weird things. But I said today, looking back, it makes no sense to me why teenage boys would take teenage girls to kiss a seven-year-old boy on the lips. Jackson said "Because they are sick people."
Jackson and I were watching the strange interactions, between other prisoners and their estranged parents who came to visit them. I said I don't enjoy hearing the weird discussions of what went wrong way back in their childhood, and where their parents went wrong. Jackson said her parents sent her to live with someone who was not a relative, who raped her when she was 13. She said if they hadn't done that, she probably wouldn't have been doing the things she was doing, she wouldn't have been where she was that night with Mulrenin, and what happened wouldn't have happened.
I told Jackson I was on the top bunk in sleepaway camp, and I did fall out in my sleep one time. Jackson said she was not allowed to sleep in the top bunk when she a child, because she had a sleepwalking habit and would fall out. She said she would walk out into the street in her sleep and go missing, so her parents started latching the door to lock her in. She perceived her sleepwalking was one of the reasons her parents sent her to live with someone who raped her.
Eventually Jackson started talking about the behavior of her dog the day she was arrested. She then started ranting about all the things her roommates lied about, on the stand at her trial, and the real timing of her visits to the strip clubs that week. It was near the end of the visit. This was probably as close as we were going to get, so I went for a big jump into the sleepwalking thing.
Me: Okay, so you went out to the garage that night, to get a tampon and a cigarette...
Jackson: To get a tampon and have a cigarette...
Me: And then you come back, what happened next?
Jackson: What do you mean?
Me: So you go out to your car, and you come back into Mulrenin's apartment, what's the next thing you do?
Jackson: I don't know.
Me: So you go back in there, and then how long until Scott comes in?
Jackson: I went out to the car after like 30 minutes, right?
Me: Yeah, but, uh, is it from your memory, or is that just what people told you?
Jackson: What time did you say I left? Because...
Me: You're misunderstanding. I'm not trying to tell you when it happened. I'm asking you to tell me when it happened.
Jackson: But if I say it, you are just going to tell me I'm wrong, and it didn't happen at that time.
I realized at this point Jackson was just doing what every person facing life in prison does. She was trying to tell me what she thought I wanted to hear. She was afraid if she said the wrong thing, I would stop visiting her and sending her money in prison and trying to get her out. So I moved on to the cocaine.
Me: Did you take the line?
Jackson: No.
Me: Did Mulrenin take a line?
Jackson: No. (This is the first time anybody has heard this! Mulrenin had recently metabolized cocaine in his blood and urine.)
Me: Did Mulrenin ever take a line, at any point while you were there?
Jackson: No.
Me: Why didn't you take the line? I have a hard time believing you didn't...
Jackson: We didn't do drugs. I wasn't doing drugs at that time.
Me: [pensive look]
Jackson: Except G, you know I love G, that was my big thing at the time. You know I really like...
Me: Yeah, I know.
Jackson: And whip-its.
Me: Yeah, I know.
Jackson: And I did smoke weed. I admit I packed one bowl that night at his house. And he also gave me some vodka, we had vodka. It was with... I don't remember what he served it with.
Me: Orange juice.
Jackson: That's right. And there was G in the vodka. I know there had to be some G in the vodka.
Me: So how did the cocaine get stashed in the cabinet like that?
Jackson: It was never out of the cabinet. Scott came in before he could take it out. It was at the very end, and he never got to take it out.
Me: So Mulrenin waited two hours before doing a line?
Jackson: [Mulrenin never took it out. He never had a chance to. We didn't do anything. Scott did everything...]
Jackson was very protective of Mulrenin. Like I was trying to accuse him of doing cocaine or of anything, like I was trying to accuse her of doing cocaine. But like I said, it is not just her. I cannot even get people at work to tell me what time it is. In this case Jackson was fearful I was going to accuse her of lying, or use the things she said to try to get Love out of prison. Jackson blames Love for what happened to Mulrenin. She is adamantly opposed to providing any information that would facilitate me trying to get Love a new trial.
But despite being protective of Mulrenin, and wanting Scott to stay in prison, and wanting to keep secrets, Jackson still insists she was drugged against her knowledge that night with G. She perhaps views this as a positive thing, a pleasant memory. Maybe she thinks because I have provided G for her myself, that I cannot hold it against Mulrenin.
Here is my best analysis: Jackson has no idea what happened, from when she did that line, until some time after Love came in. And after that, she is not providing me with any more information, for fear I will use it to try to get Love out of prison.
Jackson doesn't think court has anything to do with truth or the law or what happened, or any actual crime. She just thinks it is another example of standard human behavior, where people spend all day trying to find ways to torture other people for sexual gratification. She doesn't think anyone on Earth cares what the truth is, which makes her wiser than me. She thinks it is normal for her to be locked up because the world is made of people who like to lock her up.
Jackson is afraid if she tells me anything, I will use it to get Love out of prison and he will harm people for sexual gratification.
Jackson is afraid if she tells me anything - like that she had sex with Mulrenin or saw him frequently - my reaction will be to torture her.
Jackson also goes into a terrified panic at the thought of getting a new trial, because she is most afraid of being locked in the isolation cell in Seminole County for another year. She says it is small like a closet and you can't see out. So she doesn't want a new trial, she just wants to go home.
Everything Jackson says is driven by a strong fear and panic reaction, like she fears whatever she says is going to result in her being tortured. And generally by irrationality and emotions, and seeing things to fear two steps ahead, like every girl in prison. I have not much hope to get anything more out of her.
Jackson lives in a world with no truth but only people trying to torture her, and perceives no reason to tell anybody anything about what happened that night. But I still have not seen any evidence of a robbery, or that Jackson was trespassing at any time that night.
In Mandi's December 30, 2016 phone call with her mother, she said Mulrenin was on G (butanediol).
After talking to Mandi in prison, she seemed to have two reasons to think Mulrenin was on G.
The first was her own condition after drinking the vodka, which she did not realize was from the codeine Mulrenin cut into her cocaine.
The second reason was probably that Mulrenin jumped, what else could explain it? Mandi expects G to make guys rowdy.
But that seems pretty thin. After watching old TV news coverage, and listening to Mandi's phone call again, I have a more thorough explanation.
Based on the phone call and the news coverage, it seems Madara was bothering Mandi in jail with popular gossip about the case, and Mandi was trying to avoid Madara.
It is possible one of the facts Madara was boasting about knowing, to other girls in jail who saw the news story, was the gossip from Dollhouse that Mulrenin had been drugged when he was thrown over, with the same drug Mandi was arrested with in Georgia.
So the idea that Mulrenin was on G, was probably planted or explained in Mandi's mind, by gossip from Conway which Madara recited and spread in the Seminole County Jail. Mandi then called and told her mother this revelation from a stranger.
There is also the problem which I discovered talking to Mandi in prison, that Mandi has no idea what GHB is. Mandi never heard of GHB other than being told she had it. Based on what Madara said at trial, Madara clearly knew G is not GHB. Madara's lawyer's other client Chris Dahl also knew this clearly, because he is the one who put G in Mandi's car. Chris Dahl clearly knows G is not GHB, Madara knows G is not GHB. Mandi does not know G is not GHB. Therefore Madara could not have gotten it from Mandi but only from Chris Dahl.
Is it possible they both took G, and Mandi hid that from me because then I would know they were having sex?
In that case I *think* she would just not mention it at all.
I am unable to tie her saying there was G in her drink to any motive or agenda, other than that she believes it.
She did not openly say or admit to me in prison, that she thought G is why Mulrenin jumped.
She wanted me to blame Mulrenin's death on Scott.
So why even mention G at all, except as an explanation of her own condition which she really believes?
Plus the idea of it being in the drinks is a bit hokey and cliche, it sounds like an idea someone else gave Mandi.
In June 2022 according to Mandi's sister, Mandi said she was suspicious because Mulrenin poured his drink and her drink from two different vodka bottles.
I know girls are very tuned in to notice this sort of thing. And this is corroborated by a photograph which I doubt Mandi saw, that Mulrenin had two half empty bottles of vodka,
Stoli and Luksusowa. This is a little odd. At the first store I checked, Stoli costs $16 and Luksu $15.
But without tasting Luksusowa myself, I cannot rule out that maybe Mulrenin just likes how it tastes. It is not unreasonable for a man in the bar business, to have some idea that girls like one thing and he likes something else.
This tidbit gives more insight into Mandi's thought process, than Mulrenin's actions.
In the book, I said we went to 7-11 to get drinks, and Mandi said G doesn't affect her. After talking to her in prison, I remembered the context of this.
After she got her car back from Georgia, she had no insurance. The day I bought her tools at Harbor Freight, she was changing lanes driving home on OBT past I-4.
I told her she better drive more carefully if she does not have insurance. She had insurance, but she did not want to tell me probably because her secret boyfriend paid for it.
So when we were driving back from 7-11 a few days later, I was looking at her. She thought I was complaining about her driving again,
and in particular because the newspaper article incorrectly said that whatever she was arrested with incapacitates people.
So she misunderstood me scowling at her, and she told me don't worry I can drive just fine G does not incapacitate me.
I remember more. I drove 55 mph the whole way to Georgia to get Mandi's car back, because I was afraid my old car would not make it, and Mandi commented once or twice. We got some papers from the District Attorney's office in Forsyth which said Mandi was not being charged with any crime, because the GBI crime lab said the stuff in her car was "butanediol". Then we went to the sheriff's office, to talk to some deputies about getting her car back.
We were sitting in some rows of chairs waiting, and I googled butanediol and saw that it was a popular ingredient in nutritional supplements used by bodybuilders. When I told this to Mandi, she went back to the desk and told the woman she also wanted the bottle from her car back because it had a nutritional supplement in it. We did not take Mandi seriously because most adults know that so-called nutritional supplements which young females ramble about are just some nonsense or a scam. But Mandi did not know that. You will see below, Mandi had recently been prescribed a bunch of nutritional supplements, including Ensure, multivitamins, vitamin B, and folic acid, by the same doctor who prescribed her anti-depressants. So the idea that G was a nutritional supplement which made you feel better seemed pretty normal to Mandi given her recent experience. And I realize today that me telling Mandi "G" is a nutritional supplement used by bodybuilders had an influence on her ideas about the stuff.
So that day we were coming back from Harbor Freight on OBT - when she merged out of the I-4 entrance lane and then changed lanes again and I told her to drive more carefully - she saw herself as driving aggressively. Then however many days later when she took G and we were driving back from 7-11, I was watching her drive. She thought I was accusing her of driving aggressively again. Because that is how she sees G, as making you super strong and aggressive during sex. So she told me that G doesn't affect her driving, meaning she was not driving fast or aggressively like a super-hero. Then when Madara told people at the jail that Mulrenin was on G, it made perfect sense to Mandi that it would make Mulrenin think he could fly.
The confession Kaylee Simmons swore Jackson told her, was so nonsensical and contradicted so much evidence, it could not be true. But it was also so long and detailed, I always wondered if some parts were somehow loosely based on something Jackson really said.
For example, Kaylee said Scott hid in the back of Mandi's car. According to the video, Scott was out of the car before Mandi arrived at Mulrenin's building, and so had no reason or occasion to hide. And the back seat was too small and filled with junk. Mulrenin would have seen Scott back there when Mulrenin rode in Mandi's car with the seat way back. I tried to account for some missing time, by guessing maybe there is a grain of truth to this. Maybe Scott slept in Mandi's car after he found it in the garage. Maybe that is the seed of Kaylee's statement. But none of my guesses held up to analysis.
I now suspect Kaylee's statement that Scott hid in the back of the car, was a result of Mandi's argument with her lawyers. Mandi's lawyer told me police changed the times on the video, but they never told Mandi. Her lawyers told Mandi "Scott got there at the same time as you, he must have come with you." Mandi argued with them that it was impossible for Scott to get there at the same time as her, since she left Scott sitting at Chris Dahl's house.
It is possible Mandi said to Kaylee something like "It is not possible Scott got there at the same time as me, he was not with me. He would have to have hid in the back of the car or something." This fits together with Kaylee also seeming to misrepresent casual jokes as statements of fact, when she said Mandi signed "fuck you" at Walmart. And maybe also the bit about Chris Dahl being tiny.
Kaylee said Scott came in and stuck Mulrenin up with a gun and said "Where is the money?" What Scott actually did, was respond to the last thing Mandi said to Scott when she walked out the door, that she was going to Mulrenin's house to get some money. Scott came to get Mandi, found her lying on the floor, and asked her where is the money she came to get?
Kaylee said they ransacked the apartment. But Mandi told me what the pictures confirm, that this was just Scott going through a kitchen drawer.
Kaylee said Scott came in right after Mandi and Mulrenin arrived, parked, walked in, and did one line. Kaylee's story was missing two hours. In fact, Mandi merely thought Scott came right after they came in from the garage the second time. But Mandi was wrong, it was not right after. Mandi said Scott came in right before Mulrenin went over, which would be around 6:30. Mandi was drugged, and did not know how much time had passed, and thought she was only there 40 or 45 minutes. So Kaylee missed one trip to the garage, and Mandi missed an hour.
Kaylee said Mandi got a text that the manager had drugs and money and would be good to rob, so Mandi went and applied at the strip club. The message that Mandi actually got, was that the big customers from the previous night at Stars had come back. And they were spending money and doing drugs at Dollhouse. So Mandi went and applied.
Kaylee said the gun they used to shoot Mulrenin, was the same black Glock Mandi got in trouble with in Georgia. The police in Georgia still have that gun. The gun that supposedly shot Mulrenin was a revolver. What Mandi may have said, is she had someone else's gun planted on her, same as the gun in Georgia.
One of the things Mandi was bitching about in prison, is Scott Love coming and Mulrenin dying, with Scott Love carrying Mandi's duffel bag.
It looks like the same bag which video shows Mandi carrying across the parking lot into Dollhouse. It seems like Mandi was not aware Scott was carrying it, until her lawyers showed her the video and asked what the bag was.
Mandi was angry not just that Scott Love came, but that he dared to carry her bag.
There was a new box of tampons next to Scott's boots photographed at Mandi's house after she was arrested.
She told me the reason she went to the garage with Mulrenin was to get a new tampon.
Neisha Cintron said in her video interview that Mandi borrowed a green thong bottom, and gave it back in the customer bathroom at the end of the night.
Neisha Cintron also said incorrectly, that Mandi only had a small bag with a drawstring.
Here is my analysis. Mandi must have bled on her underwear, and therefore needed to borrow a bottom from Neisha.
At the end of the night she went into the customer bathroom carrying only the tampons in a drawstring bag, to put in a new tampon.
Neisha followed Mandi in there for being attracted to her. Mandi gave Neisha her thong back, but did not have a chance to change her tampon.
Mandi does not carry a purse. Mandi went into Chris Dahl's house carrying her duffel with a tampon in it, and a fresh pair of underwear. She went into the bathroom and changed her tampon.
She then left her bag there, and drove to Mulrenin's house. Scott then brought her bag when he came looking for her.
Jackson and the evidence make it clear that Love came into Mulrenin's apartment around 6:30 AM, only a few minutes before Mulrenin going over. Nothing is ransacked or disturbed. Many valuables in plain sight are not taken. There is nothing for Love to be doing in that apartment for more than a few minutes. There is no narrative that explains the blood and everything else, that takes longer than a few minutes.
I believe the trip to the garage was later than 5:17 AM. It also seems unlikely that after having sex before 5:17 AM, Mulrenin would wait until 6:30 to cut a line. There are problems making any story fit the true two-hour timeline.
Jackson believes Love came in right before Mulrenin went over at 6:36 AM. Jackson also believes Love came in right after she came back from the garage, and she was told this happened at 5:27 AM. This clearly is a result of Jackson losing track of time after she did the line with the codeine in it. Next thing Jackson remembers Love was in the apartment, and Jackson thinks she was only there for 40 or 45 minutes. In reality she was there for 1 hour and 51 minutes, and an hour is missing in her story.
Detective Sprague's January police report also hypothesizes Love entered Mulrenin's apartment around the time Jackson was in the garage. And the police timeline is also implausible, because there is nothing for Love to be doing in that apartment for over an hour. The story in the police report also has an hour missing. Both Jackson and police have the same hour missing, but they did not talk.
Sprague's implausible timeline appears to be an attempt to recover from a simple error: Sprague's arrest affidavit includes the false claim that Love is seen "clearly texting" Jackson from the elevator, while she is in the garage with Mulrenin. It would be reasonable for a suspicious cop to suspect Love was coordinating with Jackson to enter the apartment.
But Sprague's initial suspicion and statement was false. There is no video of Love with a phone, and there is extensive evidence that Love did not have a phone. It also turns out the video times were faked. Love almost certainly got there much later, and was likely not in the elevator when Jackson was in the garage. There is a hidden witness, a dog walker who can confirm this.
It is a strange coincidence that Jackson and Sprague came to the same incorrect conclusion about when Love entered the apartment, which is indisputably false, for different reasons.
There are several possible explanations. One explanation is that Jackson told someone her belief that Love came in closer to when she arrived. That story somehow made it to Sprague, and he adjusted the evidence to fit that story. It seems implausble that Sprague would adjust a story to some hearsay about what his suspect told someone.
Another explanation, is that Jackson did not know what happened, and ended up being influenced by the lies told by Detectivwe Sprague and others. So the error traveled from Sprague to Jackson.
The easiest explanation, is a crazy coincidence between a drugged girl and a crooked cop, who both made Love look more guilty than he is. But it is hard not to suspect someone in Conway was feeding Mandi's confused and inaccurate version of events to police, even before Julie Madara.
1) Both Jackson, and Sprague in his January police report, thought Love came in around the time Jackson was in the garage. These events were a minimum of 40 or 45 minutes apart in my analysis, and 70 minutes apart according to police timestamps and evidence. They are also 70 minutes apart according to Jackson saying Love came in right before Mulrenin went over, where Jackson is clearly missing an hour.
2) Jackson did not witness Scott knock, Mulrenin stash the cocaine, Scott force his way in causing the scuffs on the door, Scott shoot Mulrenin, or Scott break Mulrenin's phone. All that had already happened, by the time Jackson first realizes Scott is in the apartment. Sprague's January police report (before Madara even met with Adam Reiss) also has Love simply being there in the apartment when Jackson gets back from the garage. Sprague's story basically starts at the same point as Jackson's.
3) Jackson did not know where or when Mulrenin was shot, and came up with an impossible story. Sprague also did not know where or when Mulrenin was shot, and came up with an impossible story. It is not possible that Mulrenin was shot while fleeing over the balcony for many reasons, including bleeding in the recliner for a few minutes. And the bullet could not have gone through the tear where Smolarek staged it. Just like Jackson's story did not match the hole in Mulrenin's leg.
Here is my best analysis:
1) Jackson told someone in Conway her incorrect, incomplete, and confused version of events before she was arrested. She pointed the finger at Chris Dahl for what happened.
2) Sprague realized his initial hypothesis was wrong, including Scott not having a phone, Scott wandering around the building, and everything else.
3) Someone then told Sprague what Jackson said, but twisted it around to not involve Chris Dahl, and have Jackson instead of Chris Dahl driving Scott to Mulrenin's apartment.
4) Sprague changed the evidence to fit this even more incorrect story.
The strip clubs also deleted the video which showed the two VIP's using drugs and everything else. The closer you got to the VIP's, the more evidence and witnesses were missing. They came up with new evidence, witnesses, and narrative, to paper over this. The strip club people helped Sprague hide what really happened.
A key thing Mandi said first, on the first day, was that she went out to the balcony and Mulrenin did a line,
and he offered her a line when she came back in. But she didn't remember if she took it, and her story instantly jumped ahead at least 45 minutes to Scott being there, and stopped making sense or fitting the evidence.
So it is a simple explanation. She has apparently been telling people from day one that Mulrenin drugged her. But she thought it was G in the drink which she likes, when it fact it was codeine in the cocaine.
And she didn't know it was codeine in the cocaine, because Mulrenin put it in there while she was on the balcony smoking.
Both Mandi and Scott's lawyers put a lot of emphasis on that half pill, and I did not know why. But they had both been talking to their clients from early on. Mandi's story was probably clearer back when it happened. And her lawyers also figured out it was the pill.
Here is James Mulrenin's toxicology the day he died. No weed (cannabinoids). No codeine (opiates).
Here is half a 10mg codeine pill on his counter two hours after he died. He cut that into Mandi's cocaine while she was on the balcony, but did not take any himself.
Here is a pipe and burnt bud on his counter two hours after he died.
Here is the smoke detector and battery disabled on Jim's table two hours after he died. Mandi smoked so much weed out of sight in the kitchen, they had to disable the smoke detector.
Here is Mandi's drink on the balcony. Her DNA and his DNA was on the straw. How did Jim's DNA get in her mouth?
These are the prescription drugs Mandi was on.
So you can see, Jim gave Mandi weed and secretly cut 5mg codeine into her coke, but did not take either himself.
All he did was put his DNA in her mouth.
Mandi did not actually witness Mulrenin getting shot. She told me he got shot while sitting in the recliner facing forward.
We agreed the wound makes what she described impossible. At the time Mandi thinks Mulrenin got shot, Mulrenin had already been shot.
But if Mandi did not witness Scott come in and shoot Mulrenin, that weakens the only evidence I have that Scott brought a gun:
I wrote in the book that Mandi's attorney "Carrie asked me if Mandi approved of a guy running around with a gun."
Mandi might not actually know if Scott was running around with a gun.
In late 2022 Scott swore an affidavit that he brought a gun and shot Mulrenin. This still doesn't make it 100% certain, because Scott could be working a new dumb story angle.
Prior to that, I had no reliable evidence Scott brought the gun, and I did this analysis to consider the possibility that Mulrenin shot himself.
One way to create a wound at that angle, is shooting yourself in the leg while sitting.
Mandi likes to do oral with a gun to her head. Mandi also insisted to her lawyers from day one,
that Mulrenin was shot from the front while sitting normally in the recliner.
Since the wound traveled away from the sofa, the only person who could create that wound while sitting is Mulrenin himself.
The bullet would have been stopped at the inside of the recliner frame. (The bullet would have traveled through his pants fabric. Any signs of a close-range shot would have been cleansed away before organ donation or camouflaged by the bruising from the fall.)
If you want to examine the oral sex role play theory, I made a little page that is only linked
The wound also fits a left-handed man shooting Mulrenin in the leg while in an awkward sumo struggle, or very close from behind.
But if Scott and Mulrenin are both right handed (which most people are), then Mulrenin likely created his own wound sitting or standing, if he was facing his assailant.
I also have theorized that Chris Dahl told Mulrenin Scott was coming.
Scott said at trial it was Mulrenin's gun and he shot himself in a scuffle, after Mandi provided some kind of paid service that went wrong.
I have learned that all these people in jail tell lies which resemble the truth in a weird way.
Unfortunately, as bizarre as it sounds, I cannot prove that Mulrenin didn't shoot himself. And some evidence supports it.
If there was proof Scott brought a gun and shot Mulrenin, Smolarek would not have needed to fake the glove evidence.
So why bring the gun home? I guess to hide that he was shot at all.
Getting a door knock at 6:30 AM when you are doing drugs is very suspicious.
When Scott knocked, Mulrenin probably had some idea who it was. So why answer the door at all if there are drugs in there?
Scott was making a scene, and Mulrenin is an assertive guy. So Mulrenin opens the door to tell Scott he is calling the police.
Mulrenin could have been using his phone to make video of Scott. But Scott did not take the phone with him, which he might if he thought it contained video of him.
So Mulrenin opens the door and starts bitching. Scott says where is Mandi? Scott forces his way in and breaks Mulrenin's phone.
Scott doesn't see Mandi, so he goes to the bedroom. Mulrenin uses that time go get a gun from his drawer. Maybe Mulrenin put a gun in the back of his pants, when he suspected it was Scott knocking.
Scott comes out of the bedroom and Mulrenin now has a gun. Scott pushes Mulrenin's arm away, and the gun goes off behind Mulrenin's back.
That is pretty close to the story Scott testified to at trial. Scott is the only witness. When you ignore what Scott said, strip away all the gossip, and go just on the physical evidence to explain that wound, you get pretty close to what the only witness actually said. Essentially, Scott confronted Mulrenin because Mandi was being mistreated, Mulrenin went and grabbed a gun from somewhere.
Scott or Mandi might know the truth. But I have learned that locking someone in prison and confronting and threatening them, stops their brain from ever freely saying the truth, but only a calculation of what they think you want to hear. The greater the pressure, the less the truth. On top of that, girls in prison are taught that the way out is not to say you are innocent, but to lie and say someone else is guilty, which the State can use to make themselves look good.
All testimony of people who have been locked up for any amount of time, or physically manhandled, should be barred. They have been reduced to demented paranoid confused animals. Punishment and truth cannot exist in the same space.