This fits with what I knew about Mandi. Her favorite friend Chris Dahl lived at those strip clubs, particularly Stars where his girlfriend Dalindy worked. Mandi met the Stars manager, I believe Mulrenin, when she applied at Stars around Halloween 2015. And Mandi's childhood neighbor was a bartender at Dollhouse. Plus another half dozen girls who Mandi danced with at other clubs were at Dollhouse on various nights. There is no way that nobody at the Veigle strip clubs heard of Mandi before. I already knew all that. It got more interesting when I found one day there were 184 pings before Mandi returned home to Arbor Ridge Trail. At 15 minutes, these pings had to run into the next day. More than 96 pings or 24 hours passed, and she never went home. She stayed at Chris Dahl’s house on Thursday night instead of Arbor Ridge Trail. Mandi stayed out all night at Chris Dahl’s house on Thursday night. Chris Dahl was her old flame whom she still crushes on today, more than any other guy on Earth. Was Scott with her the night she stayed all night at Chris Dahl's? Now I was getting into the real dirt. It got even dirtier. Totally contrary to everything that has ever been said about this case, this was also not Mandi's first night at Mulrenin's house. It was her fourth night at Mulrenin’s house just that week! She had more tower pings at Mulrenin's house on Saturday night than on Tuesday, the night he died. It was 7 pings on Saturday, 5 on Tuesday. On Saturday she hit a tower to the north which she would be likely to hit from Mulrenin's balcony. It may be that her phone battery went dead at Murenin’s house on Tuesday, after sitting with him all night at Dollhouse. Where was Scott when Mandi was hanging out, certainly doing cocaine, with these other guys? To me, the cell towers told a clear story of a jealous boyfriend. Somebody might say the tower pings don’t prove Mandi was inside Mulrenin's house, she could have been staking it out. If that was the case she didn't even need to apply at the strip clubs, she could just knock and ask for some laundry detergent. If we had call and text records from earlier in the week, it might show if she was calling and texting with Mulrenin on Saturday night when she was at Mulrenin's house for an extended period. But they might not show that, if she was hiding her affair from Scott. And there is another reason the call records might not show her talking to Mulrenin on Saturday. Chris Dahl might have called Mulrenin on the burner phone that was charging in Mulrenin's kitchen, and then sent Mandi to his address. My best guess is Mandi was delivering bags of weed to the strippers, and possibly cocaine to the customers, at the Veigle strip clubs. There is a lot of background to this, such as Mandi delivering bags for Chris Dahl in exchange for getting to ride his motorcycle. I also remember soon after the Veigles bought Stars, when Mulrenin became the new manager, the new bathroom attendant who looked and dressed similarly to Mulrenin, tried to sell me cocaine in the Stars bathroom. Mini-Jim said Mulrenin made money off cocaine being sold in the club, and that is how Mulrenin was able to pay for Mini-Jim to detail his car every week. Money was no object. And I had long seen Chris Dahl lurking around Rachel's without getting any dances, meeting strippers to sell them meth. Keep in mind, Mandi met Chris right when I got rid of her pimp. She met him because I got rid of her pimp, and she had to go apply at Stars, and Dahl was sitting there. She was scared to death her new "normal" friends like Dahl might find out she was a hooker. Or they might find out a nerdy old guy like me was giving her money, which would be very uncool. So she would say she was bringing a bag of cocaine to a customer, and use it as an excuse to get out of the house so she could go meet up with old guys. And of course Chris was happy to let her take the risk alone, and never wondered what she was up to. Then she would meet up with me in the parking lot of Walmart or Staples, or at her mom's house, and we would have sex. She would do the cocaine herself, then go back and give Chris the money I gave her like she had just done a drug deal. So of course she would volunteer to deliver drugs non-profit, she was sneaking out for paid sex. The night Mulrenin died, I always assumed Mandi stopped by Chris Dahl’s house after work, to pick up cocaine on 111- 10