5. LECTURING A HOOKER - Spring 2015 So I went over there, and I fucked her without a rubber, and I paid. And I went home. And the sky didn't fall. And she was still an angel whom I wanted to fmd out more about. So the next week Tuesday or Wednesday I called her and said “What's up?” She was having car trouble. She was at the dealership in Orlando. They said she got water in the gas tank, and she needed a new gas tank, and it was $1260. And she was trying to figure out how to pay for it. I said I'm sure you do have water in your gas tank because you have a jealous boyfriend. He doesn't like you coming down here to Miami and doing what you do, and he put the water in there. She didn't laugh. Well anyway, this presented an opportunity to be in contact and develop rapport, without having to stick my dick in her. So I said I will pay for it. So I sent $1300 Western Union. And just like that, I had her real name Mandi May Jackson. So I looked her up. And I saw she was 19, which was a relief. And I saw she lived on the same street as her father, like 500 feet away. That was a problem. Here I was thinking she was a runaway or something. And all I would have to do is call her parents and say “Your daughter is here, come get her.” If her father lived 500 feet away from her, could he not know what was going on? And if he does know, then he must not care. And if he does care, there must not be anything he can do about it. Or he has already tried. 500 feet away, anything he could do, he would have already done. So I figure what, I am going to call this guy and say “I fucked your daughter last night.” And he is going to say “Tell me something I don’t know, fiickface.” Or something like that. Anyway, I guess I didn't really think this through, and it is not quite as simple as I pictured. So Friday she drives back to Miami, to get together again like we talked about to work off her $1300. Only it is Valentines Day weekend, and after a while she can't fmd a hotel. So she asks me if I can try to find a hotel. So both of us drive around for a few hours separately, until finally I found the last hotel room in Miami, at one of those little boutique places in MiMo, the Vagabond Motel. It was $180. She thought that must be pretty posh. So she comes into the room and looks around. The bathroom counter is not like a normal hotel, it is like made out of wicker or something. She pressed her palms flat on it, and leaned toward the mirror. It wobbled a little, and she said “this is not very sturdy.” I guess the guys like to do her from behind while they look in the mirror. She got a text. She said “I have a stalker. He is texting creepy things. They keep you filled up with drugs so you are only half alive, and then drag you down Collins Avenue like a piece of meat.” I asked how does he know you? She never had sex with him. She went to his apartment once, a highrise in Ft. Lauderdale. He seemed nervous, like he didn't know what to do, so she just gave him a massage, And now he keeps finding her ad and sending her crazy texts. I kept a blank look on my face, as I realized the "stalker" guy had my same agenda. But the reason he was sending texts from the next county and getting called a stalker, and I was standing next to her, is I was willing to fuck her. I tried his way before, and it didn't work. You are either riding in the passenger seat, or you are clinging to the roof. You are either a romantic suitor, or you are a stalker. Then she says " get comfortable," probably knowing this time what kind of a pussy I am. And she is standing like 10 feet away, leaning against the wall, in a black t-shirt, with the words “Too Good To Be True” in shimmering sparkle glue. And she smiled a cute devilish smile, and just about laughed at me as I sat alone on the bed. We did some fun things. And my dick was in her after midnight, so I fucked her on Valentines Day. The next day, actual Valentines Day, she wouldn’t answer any texts. Disgusting. But then Sunday morning, she calls and asks if I want to get together with her for an hour before she leaves town. So I said yes, and she got a room on the first floor at The Starlite.