without concern for the wellbeing of the child they were using for amusement. And that Mandi's entire life would be spent and thrown away, before she even woke up to being an adult, and to understanding the world around her. Before she ever even had a chance. And awakening to consciousness inside a prison, she would have nothing but a memory of a confused world where she was bounced from one guy to the next. Even more shocking to me, is that it would not be some sleazebags with open shirts in Miami, who used her and left her for dead. But instead some button-down jerks in mediocre Seminole County, working in little cardboard government offices, with a mandate to end a child’s life for the public good. And an abusive sex-addict strip-club manager, in an egg-carton apartment, who had no concern for Mandi's future even one hour out. And I learned their difference in costume is only superficial, they only wear what they have to for approval of the culture they live in. Deep down they are identical dirtbags, to Ted Bundy or any balding male sociopath, picking up hookers and disposing of vulnerable young girls, on the streets of any city in Florida. But it is still shocking to me that her murder could be done with the public approval. I always thought it would be one of her customers, and not government employees paid by the taxpayer, who would take her life.