hallucination. There is one part of the Gorewitz video interview, where Gorewitz says lots of people saw Scott around the clubs. The Stars manager saw Scott. And Sprague says no no no, nobody saw Scott. Three hours after Gorewitz said that, Sprague is interviewing Gary Carico, and he tells Carico that all the witnesses have to agree, nobody saw Scott. Despite Gorewitz just saying the opposite earlier that day! Even Barbie Mellinger said she saw Scott. And this was after Sprague and Lieutenant Murphy heard from Big Mike himself, Michael Garcia on December 14th at Thee Dollhouse, that the Stars manager had seen Scott at Stars. People saw Scott across the street at Stars the previous day. But Sprague still told Carico after 4:00 PM on December 28th, 2016, that "all the witnesses have to agree" that nobody saw Scott. And how could Big Mike, or any manager at Stars or Dollhouse, not have seen Scott and known Mandi? Mandi's phone spent at least 35 hours at Veigle strip clubs that week, the vast majority of it at Stars/Dollhouse, at least 26 hours. Mandi's roommate Jessica said Mandi got dressed up and Scott went with her every night that week. Doesn't mean it's true, but they did see Scott there. And then Gorewitz says another manager had Mandi's facebook page. And Sprague says no no no, it was the wrong facebook page. Mind you, this is the same night Big Mike mentioned Mandi's false arrest for GHB. He didn't pull up her arrest on Google as Jane Doe. You can only know about the arrest as Mandi Jackson. Big Mike probably had Mandi's real facebook page, not the "Jackon" one that had her "in a relationship" with Scott Love. Sprague said he found a "Mandi Jackson" facebook page, when in fact he found Love's "Mandi J ackon" page. Sprague was happy to promote the GHB theory in his video interviews with witnesses. The GHB theory originated from Big Mike knowing Mandi's name. Sprague recited the GHB theory during video interviews. But didn't Big Mike have to know who Mandi was, to come up with the GHB theory Sprague was reciting? No, nobody knew who Mandi was. I can only hypothesize, Sprague took a statement from Big Mike around 2:00 on December 28th, 2016. The statement did not fit with Sprague’s narrative that nobody knew who Mandi was, so he deleted it. Sprague then told Cintron and Carico two hours later "If not for you, we never would have found Mandi." Sprague said to Carico "all the witnesses have to agree." But Sprague chose to promote a narrative which NOT EVEN ONE witness said. And which the cell tower records alone seem to make impossible. Is Mandi really going to do an armed robbery on someone in her social circle, someone she spent four nights with just that week? Every senior strip club manager in Orlando knew who Mandi was. Finally two years later in February of 2019, Mulrenin bff Barbara Mellinger admitted in a deposition that she knew Mandi was at Dollhouse the previous night, but she kept that fact hidden. When Mellinger was on the stand at Love's trial and they asked her if Mandi came in and applied. The court was trying to understand why there were two job applications. Mellinger knew why there were two job applications and hid it from the court. During her deposition Mellinger knew where she got the information that Mandi was at Dollhouse the previous night. And she knew who the witness was who saw or knew Mandi the previous night, and Mellinger hid that also. According to my cell-tower map, Mandi stayed at Mulrenin's apartment Saturday until around dawn. She then went to Chris Dahl’s house, went shopping or did some things I cannot guess, and went home. Then on Sunday she did almost nothing compared to the rest of the week. She went out shopping or did something I can't guess, and spent some time at Rachel's. Chris Dahl usually eats the lunch buffet on weekdays, but Rachel's doesn't open until 5:00 on Sunday. It would cost at least $10 for a guy to get in, was Scott with her? Then on Monday Mandi went to back to her usual pattern. Except she spent a long time at Rachel’s North before she went to Dollhouse on Monday, longer than any other day except the previous Thursday. It took more than two years for Barbara Mellinger to reveal what she said she knew all along, that Mandi was at Dollhouse on Monday. I knew this from my cell tower map two years earlier. Mandi was also at Rachel's North Monday for probably at least 90 minutes, before she was at Dollhouse. Barbara Mellinger intentionally hid that III - l4