entrance. A regular girl came out who was familiar to me but we never talked. There are girls you see every time, but they are not your type or you are not their type. They know they will never make money off you, and it is not a problem. You peacefully coexist. She said to me "Go to Tootsie. You will find what you are looking for." I said how do you know what I'm looking for? She said "I am a people watcher." I said I'm a people watcher too. That is howl saw myself, laying eyes on every girl once, maybe talking briefly to one, and then leaving. She said "You're not a people watcher, you are a predator." So I went to Tootsie. It was wide open. There were girls who worked closely with managers to sell bottle service or do private parties, girls who freelanced, girls who had no idea what they were doing and were only there one night. Any girl who was under 20, or under 25 and reasonably pretty, would be allowed to show up and work the first night without any training or supervision. They actually had a big board there with all the girls names on it like the New York Stock Exchange. The list would circulate to show what girl would be on what stage next. My first night at Tootsie there were 156 girls on the board. There was an upstairs and downstairs and a front and back. It was a little stressful, but I undertook the diligent task of efficiently locating and laying eyes on every single girl in the club one time, front and back. At the end of it there was exactly one pretty girl. She was entertaining a bachelor party in the more intimate area on the second floor which they call "The Next Level." So I sat patiently for an hour and a half and waited for her. I sat all alone and refused to talk to any other girls for an hour and a half until the bachelor party broke up. Was it two hours, was it more? I don’t know. She saw this and was really impressed by it. I sat in a room with 156 girls, and waited all night to talk to only one. Remember this is the whole reason I started going to strip clubs, to find a girl I thought she was really special and she knew it. And she did. She was the prettiest girl ever born. My friend saw her walking out of my house. He said he never saw a girl that pretty before in person, in real life. Only on TV. I don’t like that God contrived a game where some girls are pretty and others aren’t, for no other reason than to stir the pot. But I accept that He did. I don’t do sex for sport. But after that worked out well, it seemed justified to drive a long way to strip clubs, Scarlett, Cheetah Hallandale, Gold Rush, Showgirls Cutler Bay as a regular mission. My intention was always to find a girl I could have a long-term relationship with, because she knew I really liked her. Otherwise it was not worth the work. It was not worth the driving just to have sex with some girl one time. Suppose I meet a stripper and she says "Let me give you my number. I am busy tonight but call me Monday." That is a hooker. I am not going to get any long-term return on my up-front investment. So I was not interested. It was never my intention to have sex with the prettiest girl at every major strip club in Miami and Ft. Lauderdale. But the end result was the same as if that had been my intention. II-lS