Blossom Trail, Orlando, Florida 32839. Garcia stated the following. Garcia said he did not work last night but remembers someone talking about a new female dancer who came in looking for Mulrenin. Garcia attempted to locate the video surveillance of the female from the previous night, but stated he would need to have his technician recover the footage at a later time. Det. Baker was later able to retrieve the entire DVR from the Doll House and submit it into property and evidence. Garcia also advised that later that night the female entertainers, along with valet staff and other employees would be in to help identify the female from the Lofts closed circuit video surveillance footage. At approximately 2030 hours, Lt. Murphy and I met Toren Veigle and several members of the local entertainment businesses to try and identify the female and male seen in the video. Several members were shown an image and surveillance footage provided by the Lofts Apartment complex. A copy of this image and video was entered into evidence. Upon showing the images and video to "Little Mike", he immediately stated, "That is the white female from last night who drove the black BMW!" Little Mike stated he believed the Doll House had documentation of the female because he knew she filled out an application to dance at the club. The Doll House staff could not locate the application, but assured me that an application was filled out by the unknown female. Next, we made contact with Marc Gorewitz (Valet) and showed him the image and video of the male and female from the Lofts surveillance footage. Marc stated he recognized the female from last night because he valet parked her black BMW. Gorewtiz said at one point the female told him, "I have the black BMW." Gorewitz advised he would come to the Altamonte Springs Police Department at a later time and complete a recorded sworn statement. The Doll House staff attempted to locate the female’s application for employment, but was unable to find it at that time. Lt. Murphy and I were approached by a female dancer identified as Neisha Cintron also known as "Catalina", who stated she spoke with the unknown female last night as she was sitting at the bar. Cintron said the female introduced herself as "Mandi." Cintron could not specify if Mandi was her real name or her entertainer name. Cintron was able to provide a telephone number that Mandi had given her. Cintron showed me her cell phone with the name "Mandi" and a number provided as 407-876-4968. Cintron said she spoke with Mandi for several minutes because she did not have a dress, so she gave her one of her own. Cintron advised she would come to the Altamonte Springs Police Department at a later time and complete a recorded sworn statement. I contacted our agency's Intelligence Office MPO Dean and relayed him the information I was given by Cintron. After a few minutes, MPO Dean provided a name of Mandi Jackson DOB 05/19/1995. MPO Dean sent a picture of Jackson with a male later identified as Scott Love. The picture sent by MPO Dean was a picture taken from Facebook with Jackson and Love together. Cintron observed the picture and stated she was the same female seen at the Doll House last night. We again spoke with Gorewitz and showed him the new photograph that MPO Dean found of Jackson. Gorewitz immediately was able to positively identify Jackson as the same female seen driving the black BMW lastr night at the Doll House. Lt. Murphy and I left the Doll House and attempted to contact Jackson at several different address within Orange County. We were unable to locate her that night. On the morning of December 15, 2016 I requested a subpoena for subscriber information and historical call records for phone number 407-876-4968. (Include who did the subpoena and the information gleaned from the records. Also, we need to mention the subpoena of Mulrenin’s phone records and that his last phone call was to Mandi's phone.) On December 15, 2016 Lt. Murphy, CSI Smolarek and I went back to Mulrenin’s apartment. While conducting another search of his belongings, we were able to locate a f1red projectile underneath the couch in the living room. A puncture hole was observed in the middle section of the couch, which is consistent to where the projectile was found. Also, Mulrenin's checkbook was obtained and with the help from Investigator Smalt with the Seminole County Sheriffs Office, a subpoena was obtained for Mulrenin's account activity. Please see CSI Smolarek’s and Inv. Smalt’s narrative. On December 16, 2016 information was returned reference the subpoena that was submitted a day prior for Mulrenin's credit cards which indicated two transactions taking place in the amount of $286.49 and $64.13 at Walmart #5871 located at 5734 South Orange Blossom Trail, Orlando Florida on December 14th, 2016 at 111- 18