approximately 0848 hours and 0904 hours. Det. Baker responded to Walmart #5871 and recovered video footage that showed Love and Jackson purchasing one Sony Playstation for $286.49 and a phone for $64.13 using Mulrenin's credit card. In Wal-Mart's surveillance video Jackson was observed wearing the same pull over sweatshirt that Love was seen wearing in the Lofts video surveillance footage. While Det. Baker and CSI Annabelle Arciniega were recovering the video from the above transaction, they were advised of a second purchase at the Walmart located at 3838 South Semoran Boulevard, Orlando, Florida. Det. Baker and CSI Arciniega met with their loss prevention employee Brandon Irving, who was able to provide a copy of the CCTV which showed Love and Jackson wearing the same clothing from Walmart #5871. This transaction took place on December 14th, 2016 at approximately 1042 hours. The video footage and receipt indicated the purchase of an XBOX One valued at $260, a Sony Playstation valued at $269, men’s boots valued at $69 and one other miscellaneous item for $5.88. All of these purchases were again made with Mulrenin's credit card. A copy of the receipt will be attached to this report. Pleae see CSI Arciniega and Det. Baker's narrative. It was discovered that on December 15th 2016, at approximately 1215 hours, Jackson and Love entered the Value Pawn #B1121 located at 6615 E Colonial Drive, Orlando, Florida 32807. Jackson pawned/sold an XBOX one console and received $160 for the transaction. She also pawned/ sold a Sony PlayStation console and received $175 for the transaction. Jackson received a total of $335 from the pawn shop under ticket number 75215. Det. David was advised by Value Pawn staff that Jackson purchased an engagement ring with the funds she was provided from the recent fraudulent transaction. Det. David later retrieved the video footage and recovered the appropriate pawn broker transaction forms. Please see Det. David's narrative. A subpoena was written by Det. Simmonds for Mulrenin's subscriber information and historical phone records which indicated multiple phone conversations that started from 0321 hours on December 14th 2016 until 0444 hours between Mulrenin's phone and the phone Jackson was using. Due to the fact that Love and Jackson were both seen at Mulrenin's apartment during the short time frame leading up to his death, then using his credit card at Walmart roughly two hours after his murder, there was probable cause for their arrest for Felony Murder, Burglary to an Occupied Dwelling and Fraud. Arrest warrants were written for both Love and Jackson. The warrants were signed by the Honorable Judge McIntosh of the 18th Circuit in Seminole County on December 16th 2016. Through certain investigative techniques, Jackson and Love along with Jackson's black BMW were located at 103 89 Arbor Ridge Trail, Orlando, Florida. I made contact with FDLE Task Force Agent Nuzzi and Orange County Deputy Sheriff Degraw at the above address. They advised both Jackson and Love were apprehended while inside the black BMW that was parked in front of the residence. I observed Jackson, handcuffed and sitting on a chair. Love was handcuffed and in the back of an Orange County Sheriffs vehicle. I looked through the windshield of Jackson's BMW and saw a credit card belonging to James Mulrenin in plain view on the center console. I made contact with another resident of the above address who was identified as Jessica Reiche. Reiche stated Love and Jackson have been renting a bedroom for the ast four months. Reiche said Jackson recently returned to stripping because Love lost his job and they needed money. Reiche has been noticing items missing around the house and suspects Love or Jackson may have been involved in their disappearance. Reiche could not verify the whereabouts of Love or Jackson on the 13th or 14th of December. Reiche said they leave at night and come home early in the mornings. Tri-County Towing arrived and transported Jackson's black BMW to the Seminole County Sheriffs Office Forensics garage bay. Det. Athaide and CSI Arciniega took pictures of the vehicle before it was removed from the scene. They followed behind the vehicle during the entire transport. Lt. Murphy and I had Love and Jackson transported to the nearest Orange County Sheriffs Office substation for a recorded interview. First, we made contact with Jackson and advised her of her Miranda Warning. Jackson waived her rights and agreed to speak with us. I asked Jackson if she knows or knew James/Jim Mulrenin, in which she responded, "No." I asked III- 19