1. A DISCREET EXIT - December 2016 Mandi's car was at Chris Dahl's. Mandi had finally come out of the house. And Scott had followed her out. I told Mandi's mom at the time that I would have just thrown Mandi's stuff in the street if I were Scott. But I guess that is why I am single and Scott Love is in prison. It was just a matter of time before he would fuck up and get arrested. And that's when I got a knock on my door. Someone tried the doorknob, and then I heard a tap tap tap on the glass. She said "David are you going to call the police and say some bullshit again?" You see how quickly reality gets lost in the human mind? On the day she got arrested at my house, she was the one who called the police. No one will ever remember what she told them, it didn't matter. If she could do sales, she wouldn’t be sucking dicks. She said "Promise me you wont email my dad that I came here he is still really angry at you." She said "I know you've been following me. If you want to do something for me to make up for what you did, I really need some money or someone is going to kill me." It is like I had gone straight back to when I met her in February 2015, and some spazz pimp was inside her head again. It took me most of a year to deconstruct that world around her, and pry her out of it. And put her into a world where she could sit at a bar by herself and meet guys like poodle boy. And tell me to fuck off, and wake up each day with the possibility to do anything. And here she was back in her own private Idaho. She was back at the door of a hooker customer in the dark, asking for money or her pimp would kill her. She said that something terrible happened, she needed to go to Walmart and buy stuff and return it, yada yada yada. This is where it gets murky. Because a teenage hooker is trained to be discreet. She won't ever tell the truth about the guys, or who they are or what happened. When she goes into a strange guy's hotel room, the truth is what she thinks would get her in trouble. If you died, would you want your family to know the last thing you did before you died, was have sex with a hooker? Or would you want that girl to disappear, and the last hour of your life erased for you? Hookers know their place. Their place is invisible. They enter into a pact to crumple the truth up into a little ball where no one will find it. But I had become good at un-crumpling that ball with Mandi. I knew she found another old guy. And gave him a better deal than me. Because she had no choice, because he didn't care about her like I do. And she liked him better than me. There will always be guys who don’t attach as many strings to the money, or are less jealous, or are willing to smoke weed and do other cool things I am too dorky to think of. There are guys who are more miserable than me, and more hedonistic, and make her feel needed. There are guys who will put her to work calling johns on the phone, or turning screws on a car engine, and make her feel useful. It's not a normal relationship, when she walks out his door she doesn't owe the guy anything. But this guy, she owed him something. He must be her new angry pimp. And she had come for my money to fix it. She was with another secret guy all along, not Scott. Or Scott was secretly her new pimp, or something. I knew Scott’s ex girlfriends were hookers, but did I know it then? I don’t think I knew that then. It was simple: As always, some other guy left her broke. So I told her she needed to get her head checked, and stop hanging out with such scumbags. And she left, without even doing what most girls would do, which is throw my phone through a mirror or something. II-2