with racketeering. It states "Some of the dancers in the sex shows were high on tequila shots and GHB, a liquid drug that provides a temporary euphoria similar to ecstasy." Does that mean it actually happened, or happened more than once? No. But if Mulrenin's girls were using GHB like weed all day, back before there was a moral panic over it, that might explain why Mulrenin likes to take G in drinks. For him, the placebo effect could come from putting it in a drink the same way they did with actual GHB back in the old days. When I told Scott’s lawyer Michael Nielsen I was familiar with Mulrenin, he asked if I knew anything about him drugging girls. I said I knew he demanded sex from every girl who applied and most ran the other way. Some didn't run away and had sex with him, supposedly a large number (though still not enough to fill a strip club) but I had no idea what happened behind closed doors or how it happened. All I knew is he was a wooden person with stunted social development who did it with coercion not charm. But there could be some short latina single moms who were attracted to him. The point is, Scott must have told his lawyer that Mulrenin drugged Mandi. I know Mandi likes the G on her tongue to feel it burn. If the G really was in their drinks, that was Mulrenin's own meme, maybe a habit he developed back in the old days, or from girls who actually did drug customers in the strip club. Nobody else in Conway takes G that way. Since the effect of G is primarily psychological and it doesn't actually do anything, the effect is strongest when you go through the actual ritual of putting it in your mouth. The whole point of a placebo is lost if you don’t know you are taking it. Putting it right in your mouth is half the excitement. Unless you are reenacting a ritual from back in the old days when Mandi was in diapers, GHB was still legal, and Mulrenin's mustache was only 20 years out of date. But I know this is Seminole County, the land of fantasy, where cute little girls slip GHB into the drinks, against the wishes of their aging sex-addict bosses who want nothing to do with crazy drug sex. KAYLEE: The defense is or was that the manager tried to drug her (Mandi Jackson) There is no tried. It is certain that Mandi Jackson was fucked up out of her mind on drugs, as was her boss who paid for the drugs and gave them to her, with the intention to get her sloppy and have sex with her. But for all Love knows, Mulrenin drugged Jackson against her will. Who knows what Mandi told him. It is a fact that Mulrenin lured many young girl with drugs like rat poison. He had two bags of weed and a pipe in his house, and his smoke detector was disabled, but he had no weed in his own blood test. The weed was for the girls, like the straws. This is just business as usual with old guys and strippers. Is there a world where old guys and strippers don’t do drugs and fuck? Mulrenin lured Jackson away from Love with drugs. It is pure craziness to deny this. The half white pill with Mulrenin's hastily stashed cocaine suggests Mulrenin could have drugged Mandi against her will. Mulrenin had cocaine, caffeine, alcohol, and Viagra in his blood, nothing that looks like a white pill. So maybe that pill was only chopped into the cocaine he gave to Mandi. You might say half a pill is not going to incapacitate anyone. But many pills are constructed to release drugs slowly, over 12 or 24 hours. If you chopped it into powder, and snorted 12 hours worth of drugs straight into your brain at once, it might be enough to knock you down. Of course police didn't test the pill, because it couldn't help them prove Mulrenin was shot while fleeing. But it was capsule shaped and the half had a “U”, suggesting the missing half contained 5mg of codeine. Mulrenin had no codeine in his blood, that pill was used to drug Mandi. And, having just taken her nightly meds when she got off work, Jackson probably fell asleep by accident on Mulrenin's sofa and was there when Scott came in. If Mandi had been on anxiety meds back when I knew her, she probably would have passed out, her pimp would have had to knock eventually, and I would have shot him. The anxiety meds were a bigger difference than the difference between me and Mulrenin, or the difference between her pimp and Scott Love. She was on anxiety meds the day she took G and we moved her fumiture and she passed out briefly. But unlike Scott Love, her boyfriend was at work that day. So she had time to wake up and hurry home. Having had sex with Mulrenin, Jackson had to blame something. So she probably told Love it was the drugs that made her do it, and that she didn't really like Mulrenin, she truly liked Love. Jackson would prefer not to tell IV-29