10. HUSTLERS AT SCORES - December 2015 One of the things that bothers me most about this case is the ridiculous mischaracterization of Mandi Jackson as an evil stripper, often by evil strippers. Mandi is extremely sweet, too sweet and friendly to be successful as a stripper. She just hands the pussy right over without playing any games. But you have all these strippers who actually are vicious and evil, and do bait-and-switch every day as a business, parroting the non-reality that Mandi is the evil one. There are at least three kinds of strippers. Additonally, when you meet enough strippers, you can also say this is one of the ones who was raped as a child, by her stepfather or something. The really young ones who think sex is their identity, that is usually the case. But those are more hookers or just freaks, or more extreme versions of the first kind of stripper. Among strippers, there at least three kinds. First are the ones where one or both parents died of cancer or in a car accident. Now they march to the beat of their own drum, living in their own little world with their dog. This is also the prettiest group. There are perfect 10's with brains, who just got broken somewhere along the way. This is the group I like. They were at Cabaret Internationale before the Veigles bought it, and there are still some at Dancers. Next are the hard sociopathic hookers, who spend their lives practicing tactics to get guys drunk and steal their wallets. This is the kind they often have at Rachel’s and the kind that Mulrenin likes. Girls in the second group are not too pretty, generally in the 8 out of 10 range. Then there are desperate unintelligent single mothers. These are the ones who couldn't get hired for the day shift at Stars or Rachel's or Dancers. This is the kind Mulrenin was stuck with at Dollhouse, after getting knocked down the corporate ladder his whole life for bringing conflict everywhere he went. Mulrenin tried to coach them up to be like the second group, the hardened hustlers. And they had no choice but to follow him. Because Dollhouse was on OBT, pretty free-spirit girls from the first group would come in and apply. But Mulrenin hated them because they were not with the program. They met guys in the club without his help, and then made money off them outside the club without giving Mulrenin a cut. And they were obviously having sex with the guys, but not with Mulrenin. So he fired them. He fired every girl who ever talked to me, and ruined the strip clubs to where I stopped going. According to some people, Mulrenin demanded sex with the pretty girls the moment they walked through the door to apply. So they tumed right around and left. But it would be hard today, to locate girls with that experience. Of course Mini-Jim would probably tell you they had sex with Mulrenin and stayed. Mini-Jim told me where the story of Mandi using GHB to incapacitate Mulrenin originated, in the main room of Dollhouse. And it made sense why. The Dollhouse girls saw Mandi's false GHB arrest story in Google. And they projected their own scamming nature and tricks onto her. Strippers are trained to get guys drunk and take their money. Years earlier, a stripper told me that is what Mulrenin himself trained her to do. That is what strippers at Dollhouse were trained to do. They didn't know Mandi was the exact opposite of that. But there was another reason beyond the common nature of females and gossip, why the story of Mandi drugging Mulrenin rather than the other way around, caught on as much as it did. It turns out there was a "vira " New York magazine story in December 2015 about strippers drugging customers. On December 28, 2015, Jessica Pressler published an article for New York magazine called "The Hustlers at Scores." The plot follows some desperate strippers in New York City who begin to embezzle money by drugging bond traders and CEO’s who visit Scores. Mandi didn't use social media in December 2015, or consume any media. I don’t hang out with girls who consume media because they are annoying, parroting left-wing dogma and lines from sitcoms all day. I only hang out with girls who march to the beat of their own drum. In December and January 2015 Mandi was primarily taking G at Chris Dahl’s house all day, or fucking me on xanax. Or sitting in her car crying for hours on end at 7-11, begging me to buy her a tank of gas. It would be June before she ever worked as a stripper again. So there is almost no chance Mandi read the story about the Hustlers at Scores. And even if she did, she sees herself II-31