So after only three or four days of knowing a younger girl, I had lurked in a dark car at night in Golden, and I had sat casing a suburban house in Fort Collins with drug use going on inside. What if a crime happened in there? I would be in prison right now. I was an unemployed 27-year-old man. Would you believe that an adult male looking suspicious in a dark street was there because a teenager told him to wait and he has no idea why? And he was not even buying drugs, not doing anything illegal? I know from experience, if you are doing that and a house gets broken into a block away while you are minding your own business, you get arrested. Sparrow was the younger of two sisters. Sparrow had paranoid hallucinations. She thought people on the radio were talking directly to her, her parents were following us, and there was a video camera hidden in the radar detector I put in her car. But none of that affected her ability to be bossy and strict, and tell me to wait outside when she visited people For whatever reason, girls do this. And do it more, when there is an age gap. A juror who has been a pea in a pod with someone his same age he met in college, doesn't know. He might get angry at a girl who did this strange and inappropriate thing. Like I said, I was 27 when this first happened to me. Maybe Scott Love is a little cooler than I am, or more pushy, or just didn't meet a younger girl, and it first happened to him at age 30 with Mandi. Maybe it never happened to you. But you have to understand this behavior is as standard between young girls and older guys, as schoolkids who leave their parents waiting outside at a friend's house. It does not indicate there is anything sinister like a robbery going on. It is more a sort of compartmentalization, or elevated privacy, than a trait of dishonesty. Marrying someone your same age and getting divorced is not taboo. Hanging out with an older guy who treasures you and forgives you and won’t disappoint you is taboo. So keeping taboo male friends hidden becomes a habit, and part of a hidden subculture. When I met that first Russian stripper and she lived with me, we used to go around South Beach on foot. So it was harder to make me wait outside. But if I came in the store she always got angry. The person behind the counter at the phone store would say "Oh, you are together, you know her?" I explained "I'm her friend" and she got angry. I tried "I'm her roommate" and she got angry. I tried "I'm her boyfriend" and she got angry. After I threw her out and she went back to LA, she called me one time. She said she was with a guy or using his phone or something, and the guy she was with was "something like a friend." I was 10 years older than the Russian stripper, the same amount Scott Love is older than Mandi. If Neisha saw Scott that night she met Mandi at Dollhouse, would Mandi have said Scott was "something like a friend?" Relationships like this are not likely to end well. But the jury has to accept that even though they seem strange, they exist. And it is not illegal to compartmentalize your life and your taboo relationships with guys who are "something like a friend." My niece used to make me wait outside when I drove her around South Beach. She even disappeared with my car for two whole days before I got angry. If you are a geeky uncle, you might at least have that mainstream experience. My same-age girlfriend left me outside Nieman Marcus for two hours. I am sure many people have that mainstream experience. Did you get angry left waiting? Did you go into the store and fetch her? Were you there to rob the store? You are allowed to wait in a department store parking lot. Are you allowed to wait in a suburban street? How about inside an apartment parking garage? My sister introduced me to a beautiful young girl in New York City, 10 years younger than me, who had an unattractive secret. She was desperate to get a job, meet a f1reman, and have a normal life. I drove her to a guy's apartment in the West Village, a young guy wanting to be TV producer. I let her visit with him for two hours without interfering. I sat in my car with my dog, next to like a fire hydrant in the West Village, for two hours while she did who knows IV-35