incapacitated in some way. There is no question Mulrenin was breaking the law using cocaine. And Mulrenin was corrupting a vulnerable person, Mandi, into breaking the law, by luring her with it. And Mulrenin was taking advantage of a broke young female employee, by bringing her home. Realistically, Mandi is a brain-damaged slut who drives around in circles all day, and there aren’t enough bullets in the world to think that you can fix it by going to her boss's apartment with a gun. But having a screw loose and becoming confused about what to do and what is moral, is not the same as premeditated armed robbery. It is generally accepted that Adolf Hitler is more evil than a bank robber. People who invent and spread this fake idea that Scott Love went to Mulrenin's apartment with a plan to rob him, are extremely evil in my mind. They are aggressive people with no conscience, who use propaganda to invent a sensational story and incite a mob against a person in an irrational way for sport. To me people who operate like that are much more sick and dangerous, than one guy with a screw loose who thinks there can be a good outcome from trespassing with a gun when his retarded girlfriend is cheating on him with her boss. Or even being raped by her boss, in his mind. Or there could have been some other motivation which Scott perceived as moral. Something beyond just being cheated on. The only evidence Scott went there to rob Mulrenin is a psychological analysis, of him using the credit cards, or of his posture. I know Scott is a kleptomaniac, but he is also a whiny hardhead whose impulses are confused. I look at the tape and I don't see any rational plan. I think Mandi was just gone too long, and Scott didn't have a phone to reach her. So Scott went looking for her and knocked on Mulrenin's door. Maybe the sun was coming up and Scott needed a ride somewhere. Mulrenin was coked-up and drunk and went batshit on the wrong trespasser, and was rude to his girlfriend. I think Scott was carrying a gun, but not with any plan to use it. Mandi had a lot of guys in her life, and Scott wanted to compete. He can't buy the biggest house or the fastest car. So he tries to stand out by being the coolest and toughest guy by carrying a gun. Scott is trying to be gangster with that "don't tread on me" sweatshirt. It's a gimmick, like the hat and the beard and the tattoos. Scott is a genuine hardhead. But he didn't carry that gun to shoot it any more than a businessman wears a Rolex to tell time. The dude literally had no car. That gun was the only metal accessory he could afford. People feel very free to invent or believe a hypothesis, about Scott going there to rob Mulrenin. Or about Scott wearing booties, which is not really supported by the evidence. And they feel justified to invent or believe it without real evidence, to lock Mandi in prison for 70 years from the age of 21. They imagine Mandi drugged Mulrenin, with the intent to rob him. They imagine it based on pure gossip and nonsense, and take her life based on a hunch. But they assume Scott must have done what he did for money? They can imagine a robbery, but Scott can't imagine a rape? Scott cannot become similarly possessed with visions of the terrible, criminal things Mulrenin must be doing? Scott can't imagine or hypothesize the worst, that Mulrenin drugged Mandi to rape her? Mulrenin truly was an awful person. And Mandi truly was a vulnerable person. And Scott’s lawyer was about to tell that story, and the jury was ready to hear it. But they never did, for reasons I will get to. Prosecutor Stewart Stone is a bizarre and psychologically incomplete person, who obsessively stares at Mandi with the blank look of a kitten looking at a leaf, every time Mandi cries in court. He has no attachment to the truth, but only mindless aggression. Prosecutor Stone is much sicker and more evil, than some clown who gets into a fight and shoots a guy in the leg when his girlfriend is cheating with her boss. A world without the pursuit of truth and only aggression is what the public justice system is supposed to mitigate. Not me, but I feel like I have been drafted into it by circumstance. The last thing I ever wanted my life to be wasted doing, is attempting to write the truth about this idiot Scott Love. I might as well be dead wasting my time trying to get the truth out in some irrational shithole Seminole County. But you can’t let evil, and chaos, and Democrats elected at the end of it, prevail. IV-40