Scott said he then used gloves to do mechanical work on motorcycles, and that is how the blood got transferred from the handlebars to the rubber gloves he was wearing. I had a warehouse space next to two mechanics and an auto body shop. They all left inside-out surgical gloves in the trash every day. And I know Scott did rebuild a motorcycle. And the gloves from the zip-tie package do appear to have some generalized grunge on them. But Love's story was just too far-fetched and ridiculous. They asked Scott what about the duct tape? Scott said he had no idea how it got there. He said the duct tape was not there when he left. They asked what about Mulrenin going over the balcony? Scott said Mulrenin was still in his apartment when Scott left, he had no idea why Mulrenin went over the balcony or when. The jury was dying for Scott to go up there and save them from the prosecution’s lies. They were starved to know what really happened to tie together all these inconsistent odds and ends. Why would they wipe the blood off the couch but leave the duct tape and cable ties? Why would they wear gloves and booties to commit a perfect crime, but then walk around on camera and leave the gloves and booties in the car? Why would they plan to hogtie her boss who knows her name, in an apartment where everyone can hear? And Scott went up there and straight lied to them. He left them knowing even less than when he started. And they were angry at him for it. And they thought oh my god, this motherfucker really did it! He really did use bloody gloves in some kind of murder! Otherwise he would have told us what really happened, why make up such a stupid lie? Who would have ever guessed, before he came up here with such sketchy lies. Of course he knows how the duct tape got there. Love's tone was also too dry. He told a story about some crazy events. But he expressed no emotion, like he had no stake in what happened. Like he didn't care. It was just a flat tone, even as he discussed Mulrenin coming with a gun. You cannot expect someone who has never done something before, like bake a cake or testify in his own defense in a murder trial, to get it right the first time he tries. I hurried to the bathroom, after holding it in eager anticipation of Scott’s testimony. A juror came into the bathroom behind me. He said "Wow, that didn't go very well! That was a bad decision by his lawyer to put him on the stand! " I said maybe his lawyer thought he was a sympathetic character because his girlfriend was cheating on him. So they convicted him on all counts, and he got life in prison without parole. And it all went back to Smolarek's fake bloody glove "wearer DNA" evidence, which there was no honest explanation for because it never happened. The sad part for Love is he is really good at whining. Mandi wouldn’t have been with him if he wasn’t. Catering to whining like a crying baby is the daily bread of her relationships. The first thing I noticed on Love's facebook page was a whiny post about how nobody is perfect and people are mean to him or something. And you hear it in his police reports whining and shouting when he gets arrested, about how it is unfair and his girlfriend did it not him. The prosecution played some phone calls from jail where Love whined and consoled his family (and which Judge Nelson said she wouldn’t admit until someone from the jail testified he was read his miranda rights or something, which never happened). He was supposed to be admitting guilt even if indirectly, but he came off as very sympathetic. If Scott summoned that same tone on the stand which I expected him to, the jury would have been sympathetic to him. I still think if Scott told jurors the truth, that Mandi used the duct tape to bind Mulrenin's wound after their supposed scuffle, and that Mulrenin fell off his balcony because he was completely out of it on drugs and alcohol (and labyrinthitis which Scott has no idea about), Scott would likely have walked out of there. Because it made more sense than the prosecution’s outlandish fantasy. And the jury was in a receptive state at that point. But that fake "wearer DN " got in their heads and they panicked. IV-43