14. REAL LOFTS TIMELINE - December 14, 2016 After more than 4,000 hours of analysis, I have my own theory of the correct video order. Jackson dropped Love off at Denny's (though it's possible he came on his own). She then met Mulrenin at the curb, got invited in as might have been expected but was maybe avoidable, and went upstairs. Love walked across the empty lot to The Lofts to wait in Jackson's car. He expected to find it parked in the first floor garage, as it had been one of the three previous nights when Jackson made short and long visits. Or maybe he hoped to see if Jackson was meeting with the infamous stalker David whom Mandi's father warned about. When Love couldn't find Jackson's car on the first floor, he walked in behind someone smoking, and propped open the door on every floor until he found Jackson's car on the fifth floor. Love then went back outside and around to the open field. He saw lights on in a fifth-floor apartment, and Jackson smoking on the balcony, the third apartment from the end. Love then went back in behind the dog walker, and went upstairs and knocked. Love did not sleep in Jackson's car or the lounge for an hour, to make up the missing hour before knocking. Jackson and Mulrenin going to the garage, and Love entering behind the dog walker at the same time, happened an hour later than police claim, around 6: 17 AM. Love went straight up and knocked at this time. When I staked out the Lofts, I saw a lot of cigarettes on the ground outside the freight entrance. People going in and out and walking their dogs around 6 AM, threw a lot of cigarettes on the ground. So I overlaid a video frame of Love coming in behind the dog walker, on frames from Mulrenin going out to the curb, and meeting Jackson at her car. I found there is a new dot on the ground when Love enters, compared to when Mulrenin meets Jackson. I was not likely to get lucky and find a cigarette butt (or whatever it is) if Love only came in 15 minutes later. I give it an hour for someone else to pass by, and drop that cigarette butt. Whatever happened in Mulrenin's apartment took only a few minutes based on the blood and witnesses and it not being ransacked, and any scenario you can come up with. Love coming in behind the dog walker an hour later, completely wipes out the problem of not knowing where Love is in the Lofts for an hour before knocking on Mulrenin's door. But it creates the problem, of not knowing where Love is for an hour before he comes in. Would he really be that patient if Jackson told him to wait outside that whole time? Or did he come later on his own? This is the basic video timeline presented by police at J ackson's trial (I don’t have a copy of the latest video): 4:50 - Mandi calls Mulrenin to meet her at sidewalk 4:51 - Mulrenin exits freight elevator and walks out to sidewalk 4:53 - Love walks in same freight entrance behind dog walker 4:54 - Jackson drives up and meets Mulrenin, parks perpendicular to garage entrance 4:58 - Love hides on elevator southwest corner 4:59 - Jackson and Mulrenin park and exit fifth-floor garage, southwest corner 5:04 - Love finds Jackson's car in fifth-floor garage 5:24 - Jackson and Mulrenin enter garage 5:27 - Jackson and Mulrenin exit garage **** - Love does who knows what for an hour 6:30 - 911 call for Mulrenin going over balcony 6:42 - police arrive with sirens 6:48 - Jackson flees building III - 45