15. OTHER VIDEO - 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 I got my public records of Mandi's discovery from state attorney employee Megan Ellis on June 28, 2017. I immediately noticed the pawn shop video was missing. She gave me a disc labeled "pawn shop video" with a folder labeled "pawn shop video". But the video in the folder showed someone stealing TV's from an office. I emailed Megan Ellis on June 29, 2017 about the problem. My previous emails to her all got prompt responses, including three which she responded to in under 10 minutes, and two which she responded to in a few hours. I never got any response from her about the missing pawn shop video, or any email response from her ever again. I called and left a voicemail I believe soon thereafter, and another one within six months to a year, where I asked for the pawn shop video again, and asked for a refund of what I incorrectly recalled to be $10 or $12 I paid for the CD. The $10 or $12 came from what Megan originally mentioned about the price for all the CD's. I also mentioned still wanting the pawn shop video during one or two live phone calls, to Megan Ellis and Crystal Martin. So there is no doubt they were aware the pawn shop video was missing, or that they failed to provide it. When there was no pawn shop video at Love's trial, and no motion in limine to block it, this confirmed my suspicions their failure to provide the pawn shop video was conscious and intentional. I emailed prosecutor Stone on April 15, 2019 to complain that the pawn shop video had been intentionally omitted from discovery. I copied Judge Recksiedler’s assistant Vanessa Lau on the email, and she may have entered a copy of it into the public docket. During Mandi's trial, her lawyers tried to ask Detective Sprague about the pawn shop video, and the prosecution objected because it wasn’t in evidence. Mandi's lawyer Bark said the defense never received the pawn shop video. Stone made one of his typical deluded false accusations by shouting "You are very quick to say that! " Stone accused his peer Bark of being sloppy and losing discovery, and then lying about it in court in front of the judge! Prosecutor Lori Sacco then gave Judge Recksiedler some misleading story about how they found out the only pawn shop video they had did not show what they claimed it showed. It did not show Jackson and Love pawning anything. And they tried to get the video that had Love and Jackson pawning something, but failed. But Sacco made the dishonest representation they provided this video to the defense, when I tried for 2 years to get that video and never got a response. Lori Sacco knows they never provided anything, and tried to hide from the defense that they didn't have the video, and she lied about it in court. The state attorney's discovery process has more false accusations and less honesty than the taxpayer or any honest person would expect. They are barrow boys selling garbage. The defense was also never provided with most of the video from Dollhouse, and only got a little of it after two and a half years. I never got any of it. Sprague’s police report contains the following passage: SPRAGUE: James Mulrenin was working at his job at the Doll House on the night of December 13th 2016 according to numerous co-workers and video surveillance. Mandi Jackson entered the Doll House on the same night, filled out an application and waited for several hours to speak with Mulrenin. This was not in any of the witness statements. Witnesses vaguely said Mandi sat at the bar a long time, and also waited for Mulrenin. But in none of the witness statements do you get a clear or confident indication that the timeframe was actually hours that Mandi was sitting at the bar specifically waiting for Mulrenin. It is ordinary to sit at a bar a long time, and it could have been after she waited for him. It is only clear by watching the Dollhouse video, where you see she was waiting alone at the bar for a really long time with nobody paying attention to her. You have to see the Dollhouse video to understand she was specifically waiting for "several hours" and not just hanging out at a bar. III - 48