16. SHOT WHILE FLEEING - December 2016 Mulrenin's death was called in to 911 as a suicide. Two witnesses on the ground, Russell Songer and Denise Smith, said Mulrenin came out to the balcony alone. Mulrenin lingered at the railing long enough for Songer and Smith to say "don't jump, don't jump." Nobody heard a gunshot. That is in the initial police report from Lieutenant Van Cleave. Patrolman Uzzi in his deposition, recalls a clear and confident memory of Denise Smith saying she shouted at Mulrenin multiple times: "Don’t do it! Don’t do it! " Because nobody heard a gunshot, Mulrenin's clothes were never collected. Nobody checked them for gunshot residue or a hole. Nobody looked for his money clip that supposedly contained the motive for robbery (before they changed the motive to some cash in his closet Mandi could not have known about). Everything Mulrenin wore or had on him went missing except Mulrenin's belt. He spent two days in organ donation, before anyone even examined him, because nobody suspected he had been shot. The defense in the first trial, Scott Love's trial, said why didn’t you examine him to see if there were signs of duct tape, or a struggle? The prosecution did not want to admit he spent two days in organ donation, because nobody heard a gunshot. So at the second trial, Mandi's trial, they represented that Mulrenin had been alive in a coma for two days. Prosecutor Stone's said in his closing arguments "he was on a respirator and died a day or two later" and "medically, technically, he was sustained for two more days." Judge Recksiedler actually used as an argument in defense of her jury instructions, the false fact that Mulrenin died two days later. Mandi's lawyer Bark was talking about the "felony murder" jury instruction and using events after Mulrenin's death, to classify it as a robbery. Recksiedler said "How does it conflict? He died two days later." Mulrenin died the same day he went over, December 14, 2016. Mulrenin spent two days in organ donation before being examined forensically, because none of the witnesses who heard voices inside the apartment, and on the ground from five floors up, or heard the vibrating railing when Mulrenin went over the balcony, reported hearing a gunshot. Lora Zedick, the Lead Medicolegal Investigator from Altamonte Springs, wrote on December 16, 2016 "clothing not located; thrown out by hospital who was unaware this was a possible homicide." Mulrenin could have easily fallen off the balcony. He was still over twice the legal driving limit for alcohol, long after falling. Two years earlier, he had been diagnosed with the spins, an inner ear disorder technically known as "nystagmus" when he got a DUI at a traffic stop. He had cocaine in his system the night he died, and caffeine on top of alcohol, a combination which got Four Loko in serious trouble. Mulrenin had Clorox wipes and Germx hand sanitizer in his kitchen, He had lysol and Germx hand sanitizer in his bathroom. For a person who lives alone in a fifth floor apartment in a semi-rural area, that seems to indicate a problem with bacterial infection. Mulrenin had antibiotics for an eye infection, which could easily have spread to an inner-ear infection from the use of cocaine, and the reversal of negative pressure from snorting. He punched the elevator button eight times like he was blind, he rubbed his eyes, he veered and stumbled at the curb, almost running into a wall. Mulrenin's compulsive use of hand sanitizer, blackout curtains, age, recent medical bills referred to in his personal notes, and abuse of viagra mailed in bulk from India, all suggest a man who could have been suffering inner ear damage, as a result of infection and surrounding medical conditions, technically known as labyrinthitis. Given Mulrenin was drunk out of his mind and coked up, he could have had the spins, he could have lost his fear of heights like so many drunks do because their perception of level is spinning. He might have simply had no idea where he was, like Kenneka Jenkins who walked into that hotel freezer and died in Chicago. Her family blamed everyone also. By the time video shows Kenneka Jenkins walking across the hotel kitchen, she is not even veering any more. She did not perceive she was spinning any more, and her eyes were not jerking, but she still got lost in a freezer III - 50