18. VEHICLE WARRANT - December 19, 2016 According to Lieutenant Murphy of the ASPD, Mandi Jackson was arrested immediately after stepping out of her house. I believe there is a recorded phone call where Mandi tells her mother she stepped out of the house to have a cigarette, and got arrested. According to Jessica Reiche Jones, this is a normal pattern, where Mandi and Scott went out that time of morning to have a cigarette. By the time Lieutenant Murphy took photograph 25 of Jackson's vehicle being towed that same day, there were three incriminating items in plain sight through the car windows, 1) fanned out credit cards with the name “James Mulrenin” visible on them, 2) nitrous oxide drug paraphernalia, and 3) a wide-open bag of marijuana. If you believe the car was really found as it appears in the photograph, then obviously nobody was sitting in the passenger seat when police arrived. The passenger seat is covered with at least 10 items from ransacking the car, including the nitrous canister and a wallet. There is also an open bag of marijuana on the driver's seat, which suggests Jackson was not in the driver's seat when she got arrested. It is like a kid's sandwich bag, wide open like you just had your fist in it. If Jackson were sitting in the driver seat with an open bag of marijuana when police approached, she would have stuffed it under the seat or something. If this is how the vehicle was found, defendants were not in the vehicle when they were arrested. It is not credible that the defendants would place every incriminating item in the car into plain sight before getting out, or leave their weed open in the middle of the seat like that without bringing it in the house. It is not normal for credit cards to be put down anywhere fanned out like a blackjack casino advertisement. I tried doing that, and it takes two hands. It is also not possible to drive with credit cards sitting on the stick shift accordion like that, and not have them fall off. After the vehicle was towed on a flatbed, the gold card on top slid off onto the floor. So these cards were staged onto the stick shift accordion, after the car was parked. The top one slid out of position when the car was moved, without anyone even using the stick shift. There is also a green camouflage burner wallet on the passenger seat (Love’s real wallet is in the glove box). This wallet contained other cards from James Mulrenin. The last place that gold card on the stick shift was seen, was being placed into that green camouflage wallet on video at Walmart. It is not credible that defendant Love decided to take those two cards out of that wallet while the car was parked, and while he was not sitting in the car, drop the wallet onto the seat, and place those cards fanned out in plain sight on the stick shift. The abundant items on the passenger seat prove nobody was sitting in it. So someone would have to lean into the car for the purpose of removing the cards from the wallet and placing them onto the stick shift in plain sight. The only credible explanation of this evidence is that lead detective Sprague ransacked the car, and placed those incriminating items into plain sight for the purpose of obtaining a warrant. This theory was bolstered by the response I got from Jackson, when I suggested Love tried to incriminate her by placing cards from his wallet on her stick shift. I got no response, but only the disdain appropriate to a crazy person. It should be noted Sprague wrote in his investigation report that FDLE Nuzzi and Orange County Deputy Sheriff Degraw told him Jackson and Love were apprehended inside the black BMW where it was parked in front of the house. After the BMW was towed and one of the cards from the stick shift had fallen onto the floor, the following items were photographed still covering the sitting surface of the passenger seat: - two pennies in the center of the seat - a quarter in the back left of the seat III - 58