Spineless governors feed an appetite for activist judges. This in turn leads to actions by the legislature such as mandatory sentences, which deprive juries and judges of appropriate discretion, and create further political backlash, again as a consequence of spinelessness and lack of a moral compass coming from the executive branch. This is why there are libertarians, and young people and idealists who do not turn out Republican when they should. The Republican brand needs to be fixed. Do Republicans enjoy winning by 100 votes against socialist nihilists? The Governor needs to stop the cycle of criminals being set free as a remedy for his inaction, and innocent citizens being victimized. Start prosecuting low-profile bad actors in the law-enforcement community. The current reactionary process will only lead to further polarization and dissatisfaction from injustice on both sides of the political aisle, and invite out-of-state agitators and propagandists such as George "Soros" Schwartz. There is a seeming inevitability to turn Florida permanently Democrat. Because the Republican Governor is a shiftless pussy under the thumb of his wart-infested wife that is the hick justice community. People won’t tolerate crooked prosecution from white-trash scammers on a power trips like Phil Archer. They will go Democrat, and the whole state will end up like Chicago. The Trayvon Martin and Rodney King and Big Mike Brown radicals have fried Republicans brains with "hands up don’t shoot." They have confused Republicans into becoming promoters and enablers of moral decay. Just because some leftist calls policemen evil, doesn't make it right to pretend the product is perfect, to lie and say some pasty dipshit is a hero when he isn't. Republicans are less interested than the gun control crowd in actual statistics and science, when it comes to police misconduct and false convictions. It's just a mindless mob on both sides. Crooked cops are smart enough to not victimize people who look politically connected. But the people who aren’t know it, and vote Democrat. And the pool of voters who have never been harassed by some confused asshole arrogant cop is finite. You have to prosecute a crooked detective like Ben Sprague. That is the best thing you can do to help all the cops who aren’t crooked. Every criminal claims the police did wrong. That is why the SEC doesn't wait for private citizens to march and beg them to investigate, when a stock goes up before a merger announcement. You have to prosecute a prosecutor who pays jailhouse witnesses to say nonsense in a murder trial. In Mandi's trial, prosecutor Stone even told the jury some of Madara's statements were unreliable. I don’t understand why Republicans would print invitations like that for radical leftist attorneys. I don’t understand why Republicans would print requests like that for more garbage case law. I didn't know Republicans in Florida were really that dumb. They like a garbage justice system. They like systemic problems which can be falsely attributed to racism, and used by Democrats to paint them as racists every election. The systemic problem is there is zero deterrent to cops and prosecutors who victimize the innocent. And unlike every other area of law, investigations are initiated by crooks. More than 140 people have been exonerated in murder cases involving jailhouse witnesses since 1966, when the Supreme Court allowed the scam. That is the source of 90% of the opposition to the death penalty right there. That is the source of 90% of the costs when you try to implement the death penalty. If you like the death penalty like I do, and you don’t like the crazy costs of death penalty cases, then you should be in favor of the death penalty for prosecutors whose jailhouse witnesses are adjudicated liars. That's justice. Do you like justice? The stela of Hammurabi in 1754 BC codified "If a man has borne false witness in a trial, or has not established the statement that he has made, if that case be a capital trial, that man shall be put to death." That is Prosecutor Stewart Stone when he paraphrases jailhouse witnesses in his closing arguments. How have we gone backwards in 4,000 years, and become hippies who let our fellow citizens kill each other like animals without consequence? You can get a mandatory minimum life drug sentence, based primarily on the coerced testimony of incarcerated drug felons! The consequence is generations of Democrat voters, especially in districts where local Republicans can spare votes. Republicans are for liberty and justice, not for rehabilitation and forgiveness, and certainly not for crooked dirtbag prosecutors and lying cops. The best thing the Governor can do, is demand and sign legislation to create an independent oversight body in Florida with executive powers to police police and prosecutors, similar to how the SEC is an iron fist in Manhattan. Call it the Police and Prosecution Commission. Create and fund it, and design its powers, with the PPC Act. Then you won't have to leave it up to the ineffective judicial branch to try to protect the innocent with their silly Innocence Commission, their little jury instruction, and their sole power of setting criminals free as a deterrent to crime. Then you won't make an easy target for the DOJ to come in here with their own bully agenda, the next time some misery leftist with a soft manner like Barack Obama gets elected. IV-59