If you take advantage of the evidence to try to discover what happened, there is a lot it can tell you. But Smolarek threw away this opportunity, and instead destroyed evidence to make it fit a story she read in 10th grade. With my angel baby from the Starlite Motel cast as Lady Macbeth. Seminole County is a planet of apes. Jackson basically admitted to me that she bound the wound. She didn't disagree with me when I wrote that to her in a letter. But she disagreed with my accusation that Love left, or planted, the gloves in her car to incriminate her. She only accepted my alternate theory that police planted the three loose gloves in her car. So why did Jackson and/or Mulrenin use three gloves? The torn glove in the group of three, from car search photo 121, got stuck to the duct tape bandage. When a glove sticks to the bandage, you don't cut the tape and leave the tape stuck to the glove you are wearing. It would be hard to cut or tear duct tape with one hand while the other is stuck to the bandage. So you try to pull the stuck glove off the tape, until the glove tears. And certainly when you try to pull it off, the glove will tear, not the duct tape. So you will try to pull the glove off the bandage, until the glove tears. Then you will take off the glove, cut the tape and glove from the bandage, and put on a third glove. The glove with the tape in vehicle search 124 is not torn. So that glove never stuck to tape while it was being worn. The tape and torn glove piece was placed inside that glove, and scrunched up and intermingled, after they brought the three lose torn gloves to the car search. The glove with the duct tape in car search 124 is not torn, but there is a torn piece of a different color inside it. There is a torn piece from the torn glove in the group of 3, still stuck to the duct tape, and stuffed inside a glove in the final bundle after the three loose gloves vanished. How did a torn piece from the group of 3 that vanished, get separated from the glove it is torn from, and end up stuffed inside another glove in another bundle inside zip ties? How did a torn piece from one glove, end up away from that glove and instead stuffed inside another glove of another color in another group? Police put it there, as a part of their undeniably intentional cross-contamination. Their intention was not to discover what happened or who wore the gloves or why, but to connect a sloppy mashup of contact points to the car and to Scott Love. The DNA samples were contrived to get a certain result, to tell a story, not to learn what happened. Note: While recreating this, I tried to get a surgical glove to stick to duct tape and tear, and I could not. Maybe I had the wrong gloves or tape or didn't do it right? Or maybe the glove was tom off by an impatient man? I will come back to it. If you look closely, you can see the three loose gloves are not that wrinkled. They have large smooth sections that are not wrinkled at all. Because they were never in the bundle. The two darker gloves that probably were in a tight bundle, have tiny tight wrinkles across every square centimeter. From being in a tight bundle. You can look specifically at the torn piece with the duct tape from the group of 3, stuffed inside another glove in the final bundle. The outside bundle glove has wrinkles, the torn piece inside it has no wrinkles. That torn piece with the duct tape was never scrunched up in the bundle. It was stuffed inside the bundle-group glove, after the bundle was opened. Who knows, maybe the glove with the apparent red stains was also scooped up from the apartment, scrunched in a little ball, and carried separately. Maybe there was a third group, to get to eight gloves. The three loose gloves do not have apparent blood stains. Sprague wrote he had three gloves at the car search that had "suspected blood." Maybe he brought a third wrinkled bundle of bloody gloves from Mulrenin's apartment. You don’t think they would really lie like that? This is the same Alison Smolarek whose deposition included the following lines: Smolarek: That would’ve been created from the video on the lost hard drive from JA-1. Rentz: And would you be able to tell who had, like, checked in or checked out that hard drive to review? III - 65