like something about it, something she or James Mulrenin did. Does the fact that she placated her boyfriend by using the credit card prove she planned for her boyfriend to come in the apartment? No. It's all a scam, using a young girl with a brain injury, and taking her away from her family - and ruining the lives of two dozen people for decades to come - for sport. Because some old strip-club sleaze on OBT wanted his dick sucked for the 10,000th time. Is that really what the taxpayer signed up for? To make sport of the same girls as a strip-club manager? I guess the easiest girl on OBT it is aiming high, a big catch for the lowlife government employees in Seminole County. I am coming back a year later, to answer a question I have been thinking about: Why did Mandi's lawyer Carrie Rentz use the cheapest trial strategy possible? She didn't use any experts. She didn't try to discredit almost any of the circumstantial evidence and not any of the police who presented it. She didn't even try to get into more than a few details of the evidence, nothing like I did here. After the prosecution made their case, the defense rested without making their own presentation, and went straight to closing arguments. They never said any faked item was fishy. The most obvious explanation is, Carrie Rentz wants to make a profit. Consider Rentz was sick and had a hard surgery recovery (and maybe froze her eggs) while this was going on. This is somewhat supported by comments from peers of Carrie Rentz who talked to me after they spoke to Carrie, after the trial. One said this was a winnable case, and asked me what went wrong? In the same breath she mentioned that in a case like this, the trial can take a month, not six days. Another peer asked me how much I paid Carrie. This suggests the possibility that after the trial, Carrie might have implied to them that cost was a factor in her decisions and the outcome. The next explanation is the police are Carrie's peers in the local community. She was a prosecutor once, and may be again. It will cost her a great deal, to start attacking her friends on the stand and make them "brady cops". Particularly if she doesn't need to to raise reasonable doubt, when she can blame it all on Scott Love. The final explanation is that Carrie is a white suburban Republican female, a member of the cop-worship cult, what in 2020 they call "Karens". Carrie was like a beautiful and cute sorority girl type, who married the tallest guy in her college class from the richest family. She is of that mindset that people who are involved in drugs shouldn't complain when they get life in prison. It is their own fault when police lie. And girls who choose to be involved with guys like Scott are dirt. They are all local farm animals, for people like Carrie to lock in a zoo when Carrie was a prosecutor. Carrie thinks it is good that faithful police fake evidence to frame the local drug people and lock them up, it increases the value of Carrie’s home and her school district rating. As a prosecutor, Carrie has seen defense lawyers attack police in a way that is almost silly, like they see on TV with Mark Fuhrman in the OJ trial. She saw cheezy lawyers make gratuitous and unjustified attacks to try to discredit police when she was a prosecutor, and the jury didn't like it. The jury thought look at this guilty man trapped in a comer, trying to blame these nicely-dressed police with a weak argument that is not even believable. So Carrie made a decision she was not going to be that kind of lawyer. She is not going to try to tell the jury that police are evil or try to paint them as liars. She is going to tell the jury what she believes herself, that Scott Love is evil. And Mandi is some stupid girl who is not as smart as college girls, and doesn't know to only date frat boys. So Mandi gets victimized by the white trash wife beaters that people of Mandi's class are stuck with. Early on, I got the idea that Carrie didn't want to stand up for Mandi, because she felt Mandi's life decisions were wrong, and Carrie couldn't defend something like that, it made her queasy. She saw Mandi as guilty of doing bad things, of breaking laws, that Carrie would never dream herself of breaking. Carrie and her peers explained that a Seminole County jury is a bunch of squares who will give a 21-year-old girl life without parole just for being involved in drugs. But it was not the jury, Carrie herself believed this in her heart and it caused her to hesitate and not be zealous. Carrie wasn’t deflated because she thought Mandi was innocent and found out she was guilty. She was deflated when she found out she would have to defend someone who was involved in drugs, a lowlife that she has spent her whole life thinking should be locked up to protect her own family in a cartoon suburbia. Mandi is a little piece of hopeless garbage, to a flawless woman, a former Assistant State Attorney like Carrie Rentz. And police who lie are upstanding, we are not going to get into this accusing the police of lying thing. They do a job. IV-80