16. JURORS AND GOOGLE - November 2019 So-called witness Julie Madara said of Jackson "she put G in his drink without him knowing it." Prosecutor Stone suggested what Madara was saying probably wasn't true. He said "as a matter of fact you don’t know if that's what occurred, but that's what she told you." Stone again suggested his witness was unreliable and confusing hearsay in redirect, with "as far as the G is concerned, and Ms. Jackson telling you about that, it kind of touches upon what I asked you when I was asking questions earlier. As a matter of fact, you don’t know that's what happened. That’s just simply what Ms. Jackson told you happened. " And defense attorney Bark in his closing argument says "There’s no GHB, nothing that even begins with a G in the toxicology report... there’s not even a word that begins with the letter G in this toxicology report. And I’ll get back to the -- why that relates to Ms. Simmons’ and Ms. Madara’s testimony. But if GHB was involved, don’t you think you’d be able to fmd it in the over 200 exhibits in evidence?" Both witnesses, Simmons and Madara, said there was someone named Chris Dahl involved. Defense attorney Rentz asked lead detective Sprague "Do you know who Chris Dahl is? Did you go out and interview Julie Madara? Did you do any investigation to find out if what she was saying was true? Did you interview Kaylee Simmons? Did you ever uncover any evidence, or have you ever heard of someone named Chris Dahl having anything to do with this case?" So a juror looks online and sees Mandi Jackson was arrested with 7 pounds of "date rape drug" GHB. Oh my God these lawyers are stupid, she really did drug the victim with the date rape drug! I have to go tell my fellow jurors, I think the jailhouse witnesses are telling the truth! And a juror looks online, and sees there is a person named Chris Dahl, who lives right across the lake from the Dollhouse. And she sees Chris Dahl got arrested in Georgia the day before Mandi got arrested with GHB. And she says "Oh my God, there really was a guy named Chris Dahl. I have to go tell my fellow jurors, I think the jailhouse witnesses are telling the truth!" And those are far from the only tidbits you will find online, if you allow yourself to become interested in the jailhouse gossip. The gossip is a bottomless pit, the most fascinating puzzle, the most interesting mystery, the juiciest drama, of everything the jurors have to look at. It was disproportionately entertaining. And the few jurors who do develop an interest and an energy and a curiosity to determine what really happened, but do not feel any debt to the rules, will go online and let their fantasies run wild. I guarantee you they were curious to see what Mandi Jackson looked like three years ago, before she gained 100 pounds in jail. And they may even have found a completely different little blonde girl, also named Mandi May Jackson, who also got in trouble in Georgia. I remember the day I first met Mandi, and searched for her online, and found a completely different Mandi May Jackson who got in trouble in Georgia. I became completely possessed with a false notion, an epiphany, of what kind of person Mandi May Jackson was. That jury room had three black girls. I have thick hair which black girls like, and my best friend mainly dates black girls, dozens of them. So I know black girls. They are smart. Call me a racist, but the black girls I meet over the years tend to be unusually smart. They are gossipy, they are curious and clever and determined at solving problems. And they don’t feel any particular debt to the rules, or to a bitchy white-girl judge. None of these jurors felt restrained by the sobering effect of the rules, or they would not have kept coming up to me and bothering me around the courthouse all week. And one black girl in particular, was animated and opinionated and vocal, and had an outsized personality in the jury box. The biggest personality in the jury box was the alternate. She took as many notes as anyone, and made more comments during testimony. She nodded her head up and down at direct of the first jailhouse witness, and shook her head at a totally irrelevant picture of James Mulrenin's ribcage, hollowed out by organ donation (which Mandi didn't do, he volunteered for). She got dismissed before deliberations. But the jurors deliberated among themselves before deliberations, they did it right in the jury box. And as the alternate was dismissed and walked past the defendant, she IV-81