Going on his past arrests, Scott Love is an idiot. He has probably been arrested twice, for every one crime he actually committed. It is not hard to imagine he would bring a gun with him in the situation I just described. But I don’t know for sure that he did. It is also possible Mulrenin pulled it on Scott. There were a lot of news stories at that time about people who used "stand your ground" to get a free pass to shoot someone in Florida. It is even possible, given Mandi and Mulrenin are both into the dominant-submissive thing, that the revolver was being used in a fetish role play. Mandi is happy to let you tie her up, or put a gun to her head and say "suck it, bitch." I don't want to share all of her secrets, so just believe it when I tell you. Carico said Mulrenin was angry when Mandi left him alone at the club. Mulrenin had to suspect Scott Love was there. None of the strippers sleep alone. They all go home to guys, or guys come and pick them up. Mulrenin took their keys away. and made it his business to stand in the parking lot and see exactly who left with whom. Plus Dahl knows Mandi is with Scott Love, and many people at the strip clubs saw Mandi with Love. When Mulrenin got into Mandi's car outside the Lofts, the passenger seat was way back, and there was an ice drink in the passenger-side dashboard cupholder. I got into Mandi's car in Melbourne once, right after she dropped Primo off up the street before meeting me. And it was obvious to me a guy had just been sitting where I sat. Whether Love rode with Mandi and was supposed to wait at Denny's, whether he borrowed a motorcycle from Chris Dahl’s house, whether he used his own motorcycle which I know he had that summer, or whether he arrived at the Lofts some other way on his own, everyone knew Scott Love was somewhere waiting for Mandi. For both Mulrenin and Dahl, who had their own uses for Mandi, Scott Love was a problem. He was cramping their style. So talking over that burner phone, Dahl and Mulrenin may have hatched a plan to keep Mandi in there to make Scott wait. Maybe they even hoped to provoke Scott like I did, so that he would be forced to come onto the property and knock. Then Mulrenin could call the police and have Scott arrested. There is a pretty good chance Dahl and Mulrenin had been looking for a way to set Scott up to get rid of him, when Mulrenin kept Mandi in there for two hours that night. Between Mulrenin and Love, Mulrenin may have been the more jealous one. Girls are his life. Girls are why he wears a suit. To think that a girl would snort all his cocaine, then cut him short to go home to a crazy homeless- looking guy with a beard with nothing, would rub him wrong. So Mulrenin may have kept Mandi in there out of passive-aggressive anger, that Scott was higher up the totem pole. And then Scott is just a bullhead. I believe Scott Love knocked. Because Mulrenin's cocaine was stashed hastily in a cabinet. The cocaine that was still in baggies was in rocks, but this cocaine had been chopped and was in use. There was a plastic card, and the cocaine had been scraped hastily into a $20 bill, that looked like it had been rolled up to snort it. And then it had all been stashed hastily on the bottom shelf of the first kitchen cabinet. Nobody puts cocaine away like that, unless they are in a hurry. This is Mulrenin's own house, he doesn't need to hide the cocaine unless there is a visitor. The only way I can think of, for that cocaine in use to get stashed hastily in a cabinet like that, is if some stranger starts knocking on the door and won't go away. So finally you stash the cocaine and answer the door. Based on the story Kaylee told which may have had a grain of truth (if you spend 4,000 hours to figure out which grain), and based on Mandi's unfinished drink on Mulrenin's balcony which still had condensation by the time police took pictures, I think Mandi was on the balcony when Scott knocked. Though she could have been passed out on the sofa from drinking and her anxiety medication. Mandi is a lightweight and can't drink much and not very quickly. But she does like to carry a drink around a long time and take sips from it. And if there was G in the drink as Kaylee claimed but which I doubt, Mandi would have been motivated to try to finish it. So Scott knocked and said "Where is Mandi?" And Mulrenin said "You are trespassing, I am calling the police." Mulrenin was a really angry aggressive guy. Some crazy-looking guy in a beard coming into his apartment building, while he is freshly coked up and more than twice the legal driving limit on alcohol, would have sent Mulrenin absolutely batshit. Mulrenin may have even punched Scott while calling the police on him. Anyone who says they knew Mulrenin and that is not how he was, is a liar. Look at how Mulrenin punches the elevator button eight times, and kicks the can, in the Lofts video. Moving his arms around came very naturally to him when he was angry. Mulrenin became very animated at the slightest imagined provocation. There were a lot of scuff marks on the door. It looks like maybe Scott pulled a gun and Mulrenin tried to push the IV-88