door shut and call police. But Mulrenin was too drunk and Scott was able to force his way in. If you enhance the photo, there is even a ding on the hard metal door surface, with a red tint, like Scott could have shot him in the leg right there. And the bullet bounced off the door, and was lost in the scuffle. But if that were the case, then police would have to shoot another bullet through the couch, to make one with marks from the zig-zag spring. It's unlikely police did that, but it is not impossible. Given the lengths they went to, to support their "shot while fleeing" narrative. So Scott came through the door around 6:30 and grabbed Mulrenin's phone and broke it before he could dial 911. It would be nice to know what time the last ping hit the tower. But police wanted to hide that and say Scott went in at 5AM. If Mandi was on the balcony, or passed out on the sofa, this is around when she would have become aware Scott was in the apartment. Back when I knew her, Mandi would have been on the balcony smoking. But at the time she started hanging out with Mulrenin, she was on new meds for anxiety, and could pretty much fall asleep anywhere anytime. If Mandi fell asleep, that might be why Scott eventually felt no choice but to knock. Kaylee said Mulrenin blamed Mandi for Scott coming in, and shouted at her. In Julie Madara’s deposition, she said Mulrenin attacked Mandi before Scott came in. Though I suspect that was just the story that Scott instructed Mandi to tell, that Mulrenin attacked Mandi and whatever happened next was in self defense. But I believe Mulrenin could have attacked Mandi, because he had a strange habit of taking things out on the girl. Mulrenin had an incredibly short temper with female employees at the strip club. And he never said a cross word to me, even if I was the cause of what happened. If I was in the strip club, and I touched a girl in a way that Mulrenin thought was inappropriate, he would go into a rage. He was very animated. He would wave his arms, and fire the girl, and throw her out of the building, Then he would ask me politely if he could help me find another girl. That is kind of a condensed summary of some different events. But the idea is that when a guy and a girl did something, or a guy did something, Mulrenin would get enraged and take it out on the girl. Someone told me the customer is always right, and that is why at the strip club, Mulrenin blamed everything on the girls. He was boss of the girls, not the guys. But to me it seemed like such a strong habit, Mulrenin might do the same thing even outside the strip club. Mulrenin has a domestic battery conviction. Mandi was tilting her head sideways because her neck hurt, when she was photographed in handcuffs in front of her house, and during her police interview. You can get a hurt neck from being hit in the side of the head. I know Mandi left feeling betrayed by Mulrenin for something he did. So at this point Mulrenin was facing Mandi waving his arms, and blaming her for bringing Scott. And Scott shot him from behind in the leg. Mulrenin then sat down and elevated his leg in the recliner. Either Mandi or probably Mulrenin put on latex gloves, because Mulrenin has all that hand sanitizer and is afraid of infection. And they bound the wound with duct tape to keep him from bleeding all over the car, rather than call police to a room full of drugs. Mulrenin makes money off the drug business with Dahl. Mandi has seen guys do a lot of crazy stuff and they usually calm down. So she was hoping to just tape up Mulrenin's leg and settle things down, so she could keep her new cocaine friend with benefits, and still go back to work at Dollhouse the next day and meet some of those big customers like she saw that night. But the duct tape wouldn’t work, because your thigh becomes narrower, and it goes slack when you stand up. There were also cable ties, which could have come from Love's work in his duffel bag. But they were right next to an entertainment center. I suspect Mulrenin brought them home from the heavy-duty lighting and cabling, or the drink hoses under the bar, at Dollhouse. Love told police his three best friends died in the military. And his "Don’t Tread On Me" shirt had a logo of a guy rapelling out of a blackhawk helicopter. So Love had to be familiar with the scene in "Blackhawk Down" where a guy gets shot in the thigh and bleeds to death. For that reason, when the duct tape went slack, Scott may have recommended they put a tight cable tie around Mulrenin’s leg like a tourniquet, to compress the wound and stop the bleeding. I assume because of where the closed cable tie is, and its circumference, the cable tie was used to compress the wound. It looks like Mulrenin stood up from the recliner, stepped with his right foot, then stepped with his left foot, and it slid off. I tried this and it took two steps each, and fell off in the exact same spot as Mulrenin. If Love told Mulrenin to make a tourniquet because of Love's obsession with "Blackhawk Down" and military stuff, Mulrenin would probably not have been into it. And that may be why Mulrenin lost his patience sitting there. IV-89