

Mandi's sister was sent on Adam Avitable's podcast by her father, with a simple mission: Set the record straight, by telling the world he is not broke.

Being perceived as poor by people who read the book bothers her parents the most. Most people don't like anyone to think they are broke. But Mandi's parents seem to be from a generation that puts a lot of weight on these perceptions. They also sent Mandi's sister to generally portray them in a positive way.

I think Mandi's sister still doesn't like Mandi. And they have been trying to get rid of Mandi since she was a child. But saying they care about her and want her out of prison is a way to portray themselves positively. Even getting her out of prison helps their own reputations. I am not saying Mandi's parents are awful people. Knock on any random door in the suburbs and you will find worse people. Mandi's sister I do see as malevolent.

Mandi's sister probably also wants to spread a story about Chris Dahl which she got from her mother. But the story is not true. It is partially based on nonsense Mandi said which is not reality. And Mandi's mom and sister have their own agenda with Chris Dahl, who was near Mandi's sister's age group and knows the same people.

I wrote the book to explain the evidence in Mandi's case and help Mandi. Mandi's sister's agenda is centered around her father.


It is not surprising that Mandi's sister, who admitted not knowing how old Mandi is or how long she has been in prison, would recklessly lie about me and Mandi's attorneys.

Mandi's bad attorney stopped talking to me when I found out the evidence was faked by their friends. I tried telling both Mandi and her parents to fire the attorney many times. But instead the attorneys sucked up to Mandi's parents, who insisted on keeping them. There was nothing I could do, to get between them. Mandi's parents did not have the evidence then, and do not know the evidence now. I am the one who explained to Mandi's father that the floor plan was not Mulrenin's apartment, because I had the evidence.

I complained to the Florida Bar to try to get rid of her attorneys. I even tried to hire a malpractice attorney to get rid of Mandi's attorneys in early 2018. But none would take the case because one of Mandi's attorneys was the chair of the local Bar association, Chris Dahl's attorney whom Mandi's attorneys took a bribe from is very popular and connected, and the attorneys were working for Mandi not me.

Contrary to her sister's statements on Avitable's podcast, I have not been demanding to know who Mandi's new attorney is. I know who Mandi's attorney is. Mandi's attorney was found as a result of me. I was aware of Mandi's attorney long before Mandi was. Almost a year ago I tried to confirm it with Mandi, without saying who it was or that she even had an attorney over prison email, but Mandi did not know. I have asked Mandi for her mother to give me information about something else, because I don't want Mandi telling me about her life in prison in the recorded emails. Mandi's mom knows what I want information about.

I have never tried to visit Mandi after being taken off her visitation list, and I have never been taken off her visitation list. I have not tried to visit Mandi since long ago last year. For that reason, I did not even know she has not been allowed to get visitors since Christmas.

It is reckless for Avitable to say there is video of Scott texting when there is not. It is reckless to say they have audio of the 911 call when they do not. Anyone who is serious about following this case, knows I have long been offering $1000 for audio of the 911 call with no takers.

911 CALL

Mandi's lying sister DOES NOT HAVE the 911 call, and NEVER LISTENED TO the 911 call. The 911 call IS DIFFERENT from what was sworn at trial. What was stated at trial is that Mulrenin was shot while fleeing. That is why Mandi is serving life without parole, and is locked in solitary today.

Jessica should stop lying. Witnesses of Mulrenin's death were coached to lie at trial, to put Mandi in solitary.

Jessica should also not put Mandi on the spot as a big sister, to produce reckless recordings of Mandi testifying, that she first met James Mulrenin that night. How much does Jessica hate Mandi? How much does Jessica want Mandi to be locked in solitary? I already provided information about what Mandi was going to say in the call, and Jessica produced testimony for no reason, except if she hates Mandi and wants her to spend 70 YEARS IN SOLITARY.

The public LOVES TORTURE and HATES MANDI. Jessica should understand this, because Jessica also hates Mandi. But Jessica should at least control herself, and not produce recordings of Mandi saying things which are probably lies, which I told everyone Mandi would lie about. The public will use the recording Jessica produced, to torture Jessica's sister which Jessica wants, but I do not.


Mandi had been in jail in Georgia for two weeks when I bonded her out. The GBI crime lab did not test the substance from her car, and find out it was not GHB, for three more months. So it is not true that I bonded her out instantly and prevented her from being taught a lesson. In fact, my reasoning was the opposite. I did not like Mandi meeting drug people and criminals in jail, and adopting their culture. I thought the longer Mandi spent in jail, the more she would learn to imitate drug people, to talk like them and share their values. I did not want Mandi to learn right and wrong according to what the people in jail said was right and wrong. I feared the "lesson" she would learn, would be a way of thinking taught to her by older criminals who know how to get arrested.


Another mission of Mandi's sister, seems to be to portray Mandi as a drug addict. Mandi's sister said on the podcast they thought the lesions on Mandi's brain were from doing whipits. But Mandi was not introduced to whipits until she was 20. The brain scan she attributed to whipits was years before Mandi ever tried a whipit. Mandi's sister also said Mandi cut a hole in the screen to smoke weed. I am not denying Mandi smoked weed. But Mandi said something about this to me a long time ago, which I cannot hope to remember clearly. When Mandi was reminiscing about her family and childhood, she said she smoked cigarettes out her bedroom window like this. It does not even make sense you would need a hole to blow weed smoke through a screen. The hole was to stick the cigarette out while it was burning.

I left Mandi going to rehab out of the book, because it was a non-event, a do-over. Mentioning it, and then saying why it was irrelevant, would have been a distraction. I just put in my little bit about how she is not an addictive personality. She doesn't have a pleasure impulse that reaches into her long-term planning and decision-making and organizes her behavior. I have had it explained that addicts are self-centered, the opposite of Mandi.

Mandi went to rehab after she got arrested in Georgia, but before they dropped the charges. We didn't know any better than Mandi what was in the bottle someone else put in her car. So we assumed she had a real legal problem. So going to rehab would look good in front of the judge, and help her get a plea deal. No charge in the end, the reason for rehab was gone, scratch it. There was no need to tell a judge how rehab changed her. So it was a non-event, totally irrelevant and useless.

Her dad may have thought she had an addictive personality, because he does. I didn't think she was an addict, but I still thought she might learn something. Like the rehab might have some sort of religious concepts about how to approach life, or habits and teachings that might be useful to her.

I emphasized she had to go to a rehab a long distance away (Texas), to make sure she did not meet any actual addicts who lived nearby in Florida, and start hanging out with them. But Mandi doesn't change like that, like normal people might.

Not only were the charges dropped, but if anything Mandi may have learned subconsciously that her own drug use wasn't that serious. The rehab was full of heroin addicts. They even recited a number, 11 or something, that was the number of previous people who went through the program, and then died of an overdose. So Mandi probably realized, even if subconsciously, that a little cocaine or weed or whip-its was harmless kid stuff compared to heroin, and not to worry about it so much.

Mandi did learn one line at rehab. I said to her one day, if she saved all the money she spent on weed, she could afford the motorcycle nobody would buy her. I asked didn't they teach you that in rehab, didn't they provide you with rational motivations to not use drugs? Like the anti-smoking posters? She said no. They taught the opposite. It can't be for money or to please somebody else or whatever. The motivation to not use heroin or drink alcohol has to come from within you. She quoted something mystical like that. Whatever it was, it was totally useless to her. Mandi's mind is too simple, all that stuff went over her head.

Without getting too deep into it, being compulsive is a much shorter feedback loop than addiction. Like you see a pile of cocaine, you snort it, until it is gone. Then you forget. You don't choose which house to rent based on the pull of one being closer to the coke dealer than the other. You don't go to college, with the hope to become a doctor, with the hope to buy a mansion, with the hope to do cocaine off a giant pile on a glass table in your mansion.

Mandi came out of rehab almost exactly as she went in, still not addicted. And still compulsive, and probably reassured that smoking weed and even meth was relatively safe compared to heroin.


Mandi did not gain weight in jail because she was off meth. This is a dumb cliche. The only drug she and Scott had been doing prior to that week was weed. Everyone gains weight in jail because it is boring and stressful AND THERE ARE NO CIGARETTES. Mandi additionally gained weight because she was on a new anti-depressant that makes everyone fat. And she was sedated 23 hours a day, and usually locked in solitary. It is bizarre that Mandi's sister sees value in painting her sister with meth cliches, when she was 600 miles away.


Mandi's sister said I started providing Mandi with drug money when she got out of rehab. As I said in the book, what little money I did give Mandi when she came back from Texas was largely Walmart gift cards.

When Mandi got out of that rehab where unfortunately all she learned is that she was not an addict, I did not give her much money if any. Because my dog had liver failure, and I spent all my money taking my dog to different hospitals. Mandi's mom basically told Mandi in front of me when she heard my dog was sick, that I was about to spend all my money on vet bills and none on her, which was true. Mandi's mom told Mandi about someone she knew who spent all his money on vet bills.

So if anything, it was because I did not have any money to give Mandi, that she spent more time with other people. That was March of 2016, and Mandi and I never really spent much time together again. There was that one day she changed my oil and I bought her those tools, and that was the high point of the money spending.

I absolutely would never do anything, that would lead to Mandi driving to Chris Dahl's house. As I said in the book, when I found out she spent the birthday money I gave her at Chris Dahl's house, rather than taking her boyfriend to the water park, I slashed her tire.


I previously wrote in the "Mandi Speaks" section the following: "Jackson said she was not allowed to sleep in the top bunk when she was a child, because she had a sleepwalking habit and would fall out. She said she would walk out into the street in her sleep and go missing, so her parents started latching the door to lock her in. She perceived her sleepwalking was one of the reasons her parents sent her to live with someone who raped her."

What Mandi said in prison was a huge jumble of being seen as a problem in her own bedroom. As near as I could make out what Mandi was saying, her parents didn't like her having to sleep in the bottom bunk, and acting weird at night, so they threw her out. It made no sense to me, that her parents threw her out for sleepwalking. That is why I wrote this was Mandi's perception, whereas the exact reason was confusing.

After hearing Mandi's sister on the podcast, I understand what Mandi said. Mandi's sister wanted her own room, and wanted her friends to be able to sleep over on the top bunk. And I guess Mandi's sister wanted the bottom bunk. Notice how Mandi's sister said in a sort of mean way that her little brother was spoiled for having his own room. Mandi's sister seems to have been ashamed of having Mandi in her life, and always wanted rid of her.


I have more responses ready, to things I predict Mandi's sister will say.
