You don't get to hear the 911 call. The 911 report looks like at least two people called 911, and neither of them reported a gunshot. Though Mulrenin's neighbors did hear furniture being moved, a balcony railing vibrating, and someone say the name Denise from five floors up. |
ASPD Liutenant Anthony Van Cleave said he responded to a suicide call. Witnesses Songer and Smith reported telling Mulrenin not to jump. Somewhere this was reported as "Don't jump! Don't jump." I will find that later. |
Uzzi claims witness statements were taken from Songer and Smith.
But at Jackson's trial, they said they didn't actually make a statement because Songer didn't have his glasses.
Uzzi also says they said don't jump, but ASPD Detective Ben Sprague must have consciously edited that out. |
On December 16th after staging the stray bullet in front of the L-shaped tear in the sofa, Sprague considers a "shot-at-and-missed" narrative in his arrest affidavit. Obviously any bullet that is claimed to have gone through that tear does not fit with the wound in Mulrenin's leg or the blood from sitting in the recliner. So the story would have to be Mulrenin was fleeing a second shot. |
Mulrenin died on December 14, 2016. He spent two days in organ donation or "procurement" because nobody heard a gunshot. The autopsy revealed a gunshot wound on December 16 or December 17, 2016. |
On December 21, 2016, Russell Songer made a written statement. It now included a loud pop and a man saying "oh no", and no mention of a suicide or telling him not to jump. At trial, the time between these events was actually more than a few minutes. |
Here is *witness* Neisha Cintron on December 28, 2016 reciting Sprague's new shot-while-fleeing narrative. Like Madara and Simmons, Cintron was not there. |
At some point, Sprague edited "then a hear gunshot" into what became the final police report. This was probably originally "then a man comes out...". |
Sprague hid a number of written statements by Lofts witnesses, until the lawyers found out about them at deposition, and received them on June 20, 2018. I don't have these statements, but I assume they don't fit Sprague's shot-while-fleeing narrative. |
This is Songer at Love's trial. |
This is Denise Smith starting at Love's trial. Then At Jackson's trial, the gunshot was immediately before the man came out on the balcony. |
This is prosecutor Stewart Stone in his closing argument claiming Mulrenin was shot while fleeing. He is ignoring that Mulrenin bled extensively on the rug and area rug underneath the recliner, further from the balcony than the claimed bullet hole. |
In Jackson's trial, Recksiedler argued her jury instruction was appropriate because Mulrenin was alive in a coma for two days. After listening to the entire prosecution presentation for two murder trials, Recksiedler still didn't know when Mulrenin died, December 14, the same day he went over. The prosecution coached witnesses to say they heard a gunshot, for their "shot while fleeing" narrative. So they had to hide that Mulrenin was in organ donation for two days before anyone examined him, because nobody heard a gunshot. |