was nonsense, I wouldn’t have to write any book. She became very angry, indicating she feels dumped by Chris Dahl. When Mandi ran to the garage, and then when she drove out of the building, Scott was not with her. Scott went in some other direction, he had some other way home. It was 5:55 AM and Scott said "I have to be at work paving in Winter Park in an hour. Can you text Mandi where the hell she is?" Dahl says "I can do you one better. I know where she is, and I can take you there." So Dahl texts Mulrenin on his burner phone "This asshole is coming to knock on your door." I don’t have any evidence for this. But it is the kind of thing guys do that girls call "immature." Something similar happened to me in high school when I sneaked off to have sex with a girl and I didn't think anyone knew where I was. The biggest problem with it is I don’t think Dahl would drive 30 minutes just to play a prank, or for anything else. He would have to really want Love out of his house, or be secretly jealous of what Mandi was doing and want to stir the pot. One day when I was in high school, there was talk in the halls of a big "rumble" after school. There were people coming from other high schools to participate. By lunch time, I heard it was actually just a bunch of guys coming to beat on me. A guy in my circle of friends handed me a gun, and told me to put it in my pants. Huh? The principal then came and told me I had detention, and kept me in a room with all those guys shouting outside the window, until they left. The whole time I was only dimly aware of what was going on or why. Weeks later I pieced together it was supposedly for having sex with or talking to the girls they liked. It makes no sense that a bunch of people could plan a showdown, without the person on the other side knowing about it. Did somebody else tell them I would fight them, and then give me the gun hoping I would shoot them? Did someone hand Scott the gun the same way and say Mandi is at this guy's house, go knock on his door, and Scott had no idea why? Months later, that same guy invited me to walk down to the point with him. When we got there, a bunch of those guys were there drinking. When we got back he said "What a bunch of pussies those guys are, they didn't do nothing." I'm only piecing this together today, the guy I knew perhaps wanted those other guys to kill me. And I had no idea. And I still have no idea why. He also was urgent to tell me when my ex-girlfriend had sex with my friend. Another time when I was living in a house with a bunch of guys, some guy had sex with a girl in my bed when I was out of town. I was angry about it when I got back, so I went looking for him to ask him for money or just to complain. He was a professional boxer who once knocked out the entire SAE fraternity one-by—one until someone hit him from behind with a brick. And the guys thought I was tough for some reason, always telling me to participate in the tough-man competition. They told me the guy was staying at a motel. When I got there he was talking on the pay phone outside the motel. He said they told him on the phone I was coming with a gun to kill him, and he better kill me first. So there is no question guys think it is funny to set up a fight between other guys. Remember, Scott has heard 100 times that Mandi has a crazy stalker out there who attacked her with a machete, me. And Mandi's Dad has probably given Scott license to kill me, asked him to do it, to keep Mandi safe from me. Mandi's dad thinks I am both a pimp and a drug dealer. When Mandi stayed out all night, Scott demanded to come out with her next time. Mandi probably had sex with Chris Dahl while Chris’ girlfriend, Dalindy Luckett, was bartending at Stars. Scott went over there the next night and asked Dahl "Do you know where Mandi has been?" Dahl says Mandi has not been with any guys that he knows about. But Dahl says he has heard of Mandi's sugar daddy, that crazy stalker who tried to kill her. Go kill that guy, don’t bother me. I don’t think Mandi f1nds me interesting enough, to have told Scott I had two frisky black-and-white dogs. But maybe she told him how awful I am, and how my dogs tried to attack her dog. Who knows, maybe her mother mentioned it. Then whom does Scott follow through that freight door? A middle-aged guy who looks faintly like me, walking two black-and-white dogs like mine, a similar size to mine. And then Scott sees a dog walker in the garage, again in the similar size to mine and mobile like mine. I dropped the charges, and the restraining order was gone. So now Mandi can come back to me any time she needs money. Scott is short on money from not working, and he knows Mandi will go looking for the better deal. Scott knows I have been stalking her and sending her provocative messages. Nobody will tell him where Mandi has been on previous nights. So Scott may have gone into the Lofts apartments thinking it could be me in there, the old guy that Mandi is meeting with. Scott Love has never seen me, he only knows I am old and have more money than him. So he might not know Mulrenin from me. IV-87