are degenerate self-absorbed sociopaths. In Seminole County they are additionally a little desperate. Because they have to struggle working with the mainstream of law every day, that is a little above their SAT scores. The day-to-day operations of the institutions in our society for punishing wrongdoing, and obtaining just outcomes to criminal conflict, are run by people who do not feel any sense of right and wrong. Their joy in life is deciding whose clients get to lie and pay off their student debt, and whose clients get lied about and go bankrupt. And then they make a mockery of the morals of jurors, by getting up on their high horses with straight perjury. While the papers are granted a special privilege to embellish all lies about whatever human gets sacrificed, to agitate public support for the scam. Prosecutors and defense attorneys alike benefit, the more easily the process can be fixed with lies. You will never see either side argue that those who lie at trial should be punished. And what the public sees is not unlike the lady being cut in half at a Las Vegas magic show. So Carrie Rentz is the best of them, which is not saying much. But unless an attorney is a famous millionaire, his relationships in the local community will always be more valuable to him than the outcome for a particular client. Any attorney with an ambition to pay his mortgage and support his family, and preserve his white-picket-fence dream, will have to guard his relationships in a small semi-rural community more zealously than his client. And as you know in this case, police primarily altered evidence in an effort to tie Mandi to the actions of Scott Love, to build a case that she was a "principal" in a robbery to pressure her to testify against him. According to my best analysis, the missing video would show Scott Love entering the building after Mandi, and wandering all over trying to track her down. Paraphrasing what I told State Attorney employee Crystal Martin at some point, pigs will fly before I ever get my hands on that missing video of the dog walker inside the garage. There is only one person in a world of 10 billion who even even cares the video is missing. Certainly not Mandi Jackson, she is too stupid to know anything beyond the price of cheetos in jail. She is not even allowed to possess videos in her cell awaiting trial. If it is ever your kid, that one person who cares police faked evidence will be you. Good luck. You know and I know that you can’t write 300 pages like I am doing here. III - 30