12. JACKET ORIGIN UNCERTAIN The original 18 clips did not show Jackson going into the garage with Mulrenin. But when she came back with Mulrenin, she was wearing an oversized man's blazer. This was a single clip in the original 18, but it turned out to be two clips with time in between, which had been edited together (to hide the dog walker?), when the 18 clips became 20. So who knows if the clips are even in the correct order. I don’t doubt Sprague wanted Mandi entering in an oversized jacket, so he could say she had a gun concealed or something. During direct examination by his attorney Nielsen, Love said Jackson accidentally ran out wearing Mulrenin's jacket with the wallet and credit cards in the pocket. Remember this is different from Mulrenin's money clip that he flashes at the strip club. At some point during direct or cross by Stewart Stone, Lori Sacco was shuffling through her printouts, and said Jackson could not be wearing Mulrenin's jacket because she was not wearing the jacket when she entered the garage, and therefore had to put the on jacket while she was in the garage, presumably at her car. What Sacco said was simpler, like "No, she’s not wearing the jacket when she goes into the garage." I never actually saw Jackson entering the garage in the video at Love's trial. The first time they showed the new video, I had no idea it would be something I hadn’t seen before. And when I realized it was different and I tried hard to pay attention, I still missed the exact moment Jackson enters. Stone and Athaide said something like "What did we just see? She just quickly walked across the front there." She was already gone when Mulrenin came on the screen. So the only way I knew Jackson was not wearing the jacket when she went into the garage, is because I heard the prosecution say this, in response to Love testifying Jackson accidentally ran out wearing Mulrenin’s jacket. I couldn't find it in Love's trial transcript. But it is well known these transcripts have errors and are incomplete. To my best memory, the prosecution said this around where the transcript has Love saying "it was a suit coat." The transcript kind of dead-ends. And there is also a pause, but not where I remember a pause. It may be Lori Sacco was digging through her printouts while other people were doing the questions. And she said this from the prosecution desk as information to Stone for his questions. I was a good distance back in maybe the fourth row, and Sacco was closer to the jury. So if I heard it, definitely the jury heard that Jackson was not wearing the jacket when she went to her car, only when she came back. Like I said, I still have not seen this actual video on the screen. So me knowing it is proof someone said it out loud at Love's trial. I meant to check again at Mandi's trial, but I was thinking about something else when it went across. I thought Mandi entered before Mulrenin in the new video, but was still cut short to hide the dog walker, and that is why I missed her. At Mandi's trial, Mandi walked across the bottom almost at the same time as Mulrenin. Is it possible they edited Mandi crossing at the bottom left, onto the clip of Mulrenin entering at the top right? Anything is possible, when they won’t give me the video. But with all that, I forgot to check if Mandi had the jacket on when she entered the garage. Replaying what I saw at her trial in my mind, she did not have the jacket on. But all this is based on the shaky assumption, that Jackson is going to her car when she enters the garage, and from her car when she exits. If Jackson's car is at door B, on a different comer of the building, as sworn by Michelle Ervin, it is not clear Jackson is coming from her car when she is seen walking from deep in the middle of the garage wearing an oversized jacket. She could be walking straight across the garage from Mulrenin’s apartment. When Jackson f1rst arrives, and finally leaves, she goes to her car along the wall, not through the middle of the garage like in the jacket clip. They could be coming from Mulrenin’s car on the second floor, where all his shopping bags still are, from his most recent credit-card purchases. There is no video of them going down to Mulrenin's car. But there is also not video of Love leaving, or of where Love is for 90 minutes. III-41