Smolarek: Yes. We should have a full chain of custody of who’s reviewed that. I reported Smolarek's crimes to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. Of course they don’t do anything. They told me it is up to local defense attorneys to prosecute local cops. But at least I knew Smolarek would see my complaint, and it would be fun to see what she would come up with at Mandi Jackson's trial. So Smolarek goes up on the stand at Mandi's trial, and says all 5 gloves that she swabbed together, were inside the little zip-tied bundle. Looking at Lieutenant Murphy photo 591, it does not look like five gloves. The craziest thing about Smolarek's lies, is she is claiming there were eight gloves total found in Mandi's car, and placed on the butcher paper. And for some reason, she chose not to swab the three loose ones at all, probably the three that Sprague’s police report describes as "with suspected blood" (you would hope), the three with the piece torn out which piece was stuffed inside a glove in the bundle. If you believe Smolarek, there are three dark-stained torn gloves still sitting in Mandi's car which she decided not to look at, even though they were sitting next to the five she did decide to swab, but which five Sprague did not say had suspected blood in his police report. Smolarek also admitted on the stand at Mandi's trial, that such gloves are sometimes taken off inside out. But she then went on to say she still determined what the inside and outside was on all five gloves, so she knew which side of all five gloves was "wearer DNA." Even though they have all been in contact. You look at the scrunched-up gloves from the bundle, there is no way to tell how many times they have been used, or if they were somehow peeled inside-out off a very large man's hand without any f1ngers remaining partially inside-out. And of course the two from the group of three with the torn-off fmgertips, may have been pulled off by an inexperienced person by the fingertips. Maybe not. See kids, this is what real-life crime-scene technicians do. They flat-out lie on the stand to take people’s lives. And they do it with zero shame or penalty. The "wearer DN " scam is the reason Love went to his ridiculous Plan B defense, and got convicted and life in prison. Before Alison Smolarek went up there and lied, the jury wasn’t sure what crazy thing really happened in that apartment. Then Scott had to go on the stand and make up a crazy lie to explain the fake glove evidence, and the jury punished him for it. That's how real justice works. Sucks for the innocent. Juries are more like demographic focus groups of registered voters, to test if there will be a political cost or a reward when the innocent are sentenced to death. III - 66