girls and so does Mandi. They smoked weed together. At the end of the night after closing, Mandi asked Neisha if she had any different dresses Mandi could wear to work the next day that Mulrenin might like better. Neisha gave Mandi a dress. Mandi said she would pay Neisha tomorrow. Neisha said she wouldn't be in tomorrow, so Mandi gave Neisha her phone number. Neisha texted Mandi as "Catalina" but Mandi texted back her real name "Mandi." Why did Mandi come by at 8:30 and not apply and leave? Maybe she was bringing cocaine to sell from Chris Dahl’s house. When Mulrenin first worked at Stars, the new non-subhuman bathroom attendant who dressed like him tried to sell me cocaine. But at Dollhouse, I think it would have more likely been a senior girl. That could also explain why Mandi went to Chris Dahl’s house after leaving the club, and where the $2500 Mulrenin supposedly got from the big customers went. If Mandi was Mulrenin's special little ho who would be allowed to start late, then why did he leave her waiting at the bar for a long time with her application? Maybe he is like me and Scott and every other guy. He wanted her to come by work to show her off. But he didn't actually want her stripping. Especially with those big customers there willing to pay for sex. They have more money than Mulrenin and can buy more coke than Mulrenin. If Mandi makes enough money off them, Mulrenin fears Mandi won't need him anymore, like when I was afraid she would do the sexy oil change. If Mandi and the big customers exchange numbers and hook up, it could be a week before Mulrenin sees her again, if ever. So, according to gossip from Mini-Jim, Mandi sat with Mulrenin the whole night. Mulrenin told Mandi to bring a bag of coke or weed to his house after work, and he would give her cash for her dancer dollars as long as none of the other girls knew, as a pretext to set up a visit. Mandi drove to Chris Dahl’s house to get the weed. At this point Scott was not wanting to let her out of his sight. Mandi was at Mulrenin's house on Saturday for longer than the night he died, and also stayed out all night at Chris Dahl’s house one night, according to cell tower pings. I don’t know if Scott was with her on those previous nights she was with Dahl and Mulrenin. The night Mulrenin died, Mandi's phone may have only had five pings on Mulrenin's tower because her battery went dead. My first guess is that Scott had been waiting for Mandi all night, and insisted on coming with her to drop off the coke or weed at Mulrenin's and get the cash for her dancer dollars. So Mandi dropped him off up the street at Denny's. She stopped at the curb to meet Mulrenin, parking perpendicular to the garage entrance like she did not plan to drive in. Mulrenin came out to the curb with a drink in a red cup, to appear inviting like "Come in and have a drink." So at this point, I do not believe there was a plan yet to go inside. Mulrenin talked for a minute through her window, then got in Mandi's passenger seat to do the deal. And either the weed or the cocaine persuaded her to come in for a minute. Maybe Mulrenin said "I have the money upstairs, you want to come in for a minute?" Remember he is an expert. He has been making girls come to the office the next day to get their money for years. I first saw him do it in 2012. At some point Scott Love came to the apartment building looking for Mandi. Police monkeyed around with the video so much to try to tell the story they wanted to tell, it is impossible to know when Scott actually arrived. I know from hints from both Scott and Mandi's lawyers, and it was obvious just looking at it, police deleted a lot of clips. And I know they changed the timestamps of others. I saw there was a Denny's right before you got to Mulrenin's apartment, that was open 24 hours. So my first guess is Mandi left Scott at Denny's. Like she left Primo at Popeyes and Burger King and Walmart. Like she left Chris Dahl and his friends at Publix. Like she left her mom and little brother in the street. Like she left poodle boy at her mom's house, and Tywaun at Ale House. All while she had sex with me, when I was her sugar daddy. Now Mulrenin is her new sugar daddy, and Mandi expects old guys to understand this is the treatment they get. There are other guys waiting on her. I think Scott was angry for being dumped on the side of the road. So he walked right to the Lofts to find Mandi's car and wait in it. It wasn’t on the first floor, where it would have been if he was with her on Saturday when she spent a long time at Mulrenin's. So Scott went to every floor of the garage until he found it on the fifth floor. He then went back outside, saw the lights on and Mandi smoking on the fifth floor balcony, third from the end. Then he went back into the building behind a person walking two dogs, went back upstairs, and knocked. IV-85